React Native for Web - Stateless Boilerplate for Fiber

If looking for an statefull boilerplate instead check out redux-form-styled-for-react-native for a cross platform app built on redux, redux-form react-native-web and expo


I am an upgrade from react-native-web-boilerplate

A minimum boilerplate to configure react-native-web + react-native with React 16 fiber!


  • Node version 8/9
  • You can use yarn or npm
  • react-native-cli

More info look into the getting started guide

Quick start

git clone --depth 1

What is on it?

  • babel-preset-react-native is recommended in mobile and in web ( and it hot reloads! )
  • Jest and Flow
  • react-native-vector-icons on native platform
  • Prettier as code formatter
  • Jest as the testing framework
  • Flow as a javascript typechecker
  • See the following fork from @hectahertz for testing react-native-typography

Web HMR with webpack-dev-server

## run the web platform
cd react-native-web-fiber-boilerplate
yarn web

Open http://localhost:3000/

Desktop with electron

## run the electron platform
cd electron
yarn i
yarn start


## run the android platform
react-native run-android

## run the ios platform
react-native run-ios


PR, stars ✭ and issue reporting, welcome!
