
Bobflux is pure functional implementation of FLUX architecture

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


  • is pure functional implementation of FLUX architecture
  • is inspired by Flux, Reflux and Redux
  • fits and depends on Bobril


npm i bobflux --save

How to run example through bobril-build

npm install bobril-build -g



  • is core of bobflux,
  • is independent on bobril, can be used for React applications,
  • there is fun-model you can see some notes about flux, immutability etc.

Common keywords in Bobflux application

  • one store for one application state
  • application state:
  • is global state
  • is composition of sub states
  • actions are create by action factory with specified cursor and handler. Handler creates new instance of state or it can return the same state
  • Bobril is here for "rendering" (View)
  • Bobril component context (b.IBobrilCtx) should be used for intermediate state (drag & drop, input border color on focus etc.)


Getting started video [cz]

Getting started video


  • is object
  • is global state of application
  • one instance is held in store
  • default state must be set before firts usage
import * as f from 'bobflux';

export interface ITodo {
    id: number;
    isDone: boolean;
    name: string;

export interface ITodosState extends f.IState {
    editedTodo: ITodo;
    todos: ITodo[];
//app.ts - main application file in bobril-build or systemjs
import * as f from 'bobflux';
import * as s from './states';



  • can be pure bobril components or can be created by bobflux

Bobflux Components

  • is derived component from Bobril
  • gets state through cursor which has been specified in creation
  • sets last state into component context
  • offers state property in context (ctx.state)
  • component should not have data
  • all data should be passed by state
  • why?
  • implements shouldChange and holds last state from last rendering
  • protects against useless rendering parts in your application
  • there are two kinds of components:
  • component
    • is common component which has state in context
  • routeComponent
    • is fitted for bobril router and has state in context
    • is virtual component which wrappes bobflux component
    • bobflux component cannot be used in router beacause you can not specify cursor in route handler. Creation is invoked by router.
  • if you operate with b.invalidate(ctx) in your component you can force shouldChange by ctx.forceShouldChange
import * as b from 'bobril';
import * as gui from 'bobril-css-bootstrap';
import * as f from 'bobflux';
import * as s from './states';
import * as a from './actions';
import * as c from './cursors';

export let create = f.createRouteComponent<s.ITodosState, any>({
    render(ctx: f.IContext<s.ITodosState>, me: b.IBobrilNode, oldMe?: b.IBobrilCacheNode) {
        me.children = [

let addForm = f.createComponent<s.ITodo, any>({
    render(ctx: f.IContext<s.ITodo>, me: b.IBobrilNode, oldMe?: b.IBobrilCacheNode) {
        me.children = gui.form({
            isInlined: true,
            content: [
                gui.inputFormField('', ctx.state.name, a.updateNewTodoName),
                gui.button({ label: 'Add', onClick: () => { a.addTodo(); return true; } })


  • has key which specifies path to target propery of objects or subobjects in global application state
  • there are two kinds of cursors:
  • for maps - "all objects/classes" in js
export let editedTodoName: f.ICursor<string> = {
    key: 'todoSection.editedTodo.name'

export let todos: f.ICursor<s.ITodo[]> = {
    key: 'todoSection.todos'
  • for array items with static cursor key
export let firstTodo: f.ICursor<s.ITodo> = {
    key: 'todoSection.todos.0'

export let firstTodoName: f.ICursor<string> = {
    key: 'todoSection.todos.0.name'
  • for array items with dynamic cursor key
export let todosIndexFactory: f.ICursorFactory<s.ITodo, number> = {
    create: (index) => {
        return { key: `todoSection.todos.${index}` };

export let todoNameThroghtIndexFactory: f.ICursorFactory<string, number> = {
    create: (index) => {
        return { key: `todoSection.todos.${index}.name` };


  • returns new instances of modified state and its sub states
  • beware on array operations like push etc.
  • use as much as possible specific cursors
  • if you want to modify more sub states then you should create two actions with specified cursors. Then invoke actions synchronously. b.invalidate waits for both actions. If actions take a long time then intermediate state will be rendered between actions.
  • function should not be passed through parameters into action

Common creation and invoking

  • implementation:
export let removeTodo = f.createAction<s.ITodo[], number>(c.todos, (todos, id) => {
    return [...todos.filter(t => t.id !== id)];
  • invoking:

Without parameters

  • implementation:
export let removeTodoId1 = bobflux.createAction(cursors.todos, (todos: states.ITodo[]): states.ITodo[] => {
    return [...todos.filter(t => t.id !== 1)];
  • invoking:

If you need pass more parameters into action

  • implementation:
export interface IChangeDoneStatusParams {
    id: number;
    isDone: boolean;

export let changeDoneStatus = f.createAction<s.ITodo[], IChangeDoneStatusParams>(c.todos, (todos, params) => {
    return todos.map(t => {
        if (t.id === params.id)
            return f.shallowCopy(t, (nT) => {
                nT.isDone = params.isDone;
                return nT;
        return t;
  • invoking:
 actions.changeDoneStatus({ id: t.id, isDone: value })

With cursor factory

  • implementation:
let testAction = af.createAction<tds.ITodo, tds.ITodoParams>(
        create: (params) => {
            return { key: `todos.${params.index}` };
    (state, params) => { return params.todo }
  • invoking:
testAction({ index: 1, todo: { done: false, name: 'New second todo' } });


  • beware on invoking because params of actions are optional!!! Compiler cannot check this mistake.