Capstone Project Planning

By Karen Axon



  • 8am - 9pm: getting repo set up + planning the day
  • 9am - 5pm practice project. Portfolio with React, Sanity, Tailwind. Please see the repo for commits.

Issues encountered with practice project:

  • Tutorial is only 1 year old but instructions are already outdated.
  • Issues connecting Sanity to react project.
  • Issues installing the correct Tailwind package & spend time learning how to use the plug-ins.
  • Issues with "CRLF will be replaced by LF" that were preventing commits to be pushed to the repo.
  • Issues with Sanity's project node-modules being tracked by git, even though the folder is included in the gitignore.
  • Issues with react routing not working. Had to uninstall the node-modules for it to work.

New/Cool Things:



  • 8am - 9pm: getting Glimpse repo set up + planning the application
  • 9am - 10am: put project chart image and README to together.
  • 10am - 10:45: setting up Sanity studio project and troubleshooting "The git repository at XXXX has too many active changes, only a subset of Git features will be enabled." Which hopefully will be resolved by adding a gitignore to the backend folder.
  • 10:45am - 5pm: See Glimpse repo for commits.

Issues encountered:

  • In the morning I encountered some issues mainly because I divided the project into a frontend(react) folder and a backend(sanity) folder. Git had a hard time with the setup and didn't know what files were tracked/not tracked or had been edited. My work around was to include a gitignore file in each of the folders and upload these to the repo in their corresponding folders.

New/Cool Things:



8am - 5pm: See Glimpse repo for commits.



1:00pm - 2:00pm See Glimpse repo for commits.



1:30pm - 6:pm See Glimpse repo for commits. 8:00pm - 10:30pm: researching hosting the app through AWS or another vendor.



8:00am - noon 2:00pm - 6:00pm 8:00pm - See Glimpse repo for commits.



9:30am - 12:00pm