
A TypeScript template project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Template project for creating TS libraries

This template has boilerplate code for a simple TypeScript/nodeJS application

This project is made with:

  • Typescript
  • Jest
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • npm

Want to contribute?


Creating a project using this template

After you clone this repo to your desktop, take a look in the existing files. If you want to run the tests and build, go to its root directory and run npm install.

To implement your library, you should change the following files:

  • HelloWorld.ts
  • HelloWorld.test.ts
  • index.ts

After you're happy with your changes, update this README.md with you actual library description, don't forget to describe:

  • how to build your project
  • how to run the tests
  • Changelog - Optional to list changes made to the library
  • ADR - Optional file to explain any important architectural decisions

You can publish your library, and upon a change bump the version npm version patch -m "Upgrade to %s for reasons", see more about versioning here.

Scripts available in this template


tsc or npm run build


npm test - Runs all tests npm run test:unit - Runs unit tests only npm run test:integration - Runs integration tests only


npm run lint


Architectural decisions records