
Code collaboration for the Galaxy Group at Haverford College

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Code collaboration for the Galaxy Group at Haverford College

Example Codes Either Written to help, or output of student papers

  • basic_stats.py -- Various useful statistics functions from Brooke Simmons. Includes a function to calculate proper errors on fractions, and to match two distributions (e.g. by mass).

  • Fitsinput_simpleplots.ipynb -- Example code for how to read in a fits file, slice the data on selection from a column, make basic histograms and scatter plots. Written for mangaHIall.fits file... but should be easily modified to any .fits table.

  • FourPanelGalaxyPlot.ipynb -- Code to make a four panel plot for a MaNGA galaxy, showing the gri image and three other MaNGA maps. https://github.com/karenlmasters/HaverfordGalaxyGroup/blob/main/FourPanelGalaxyPlot.ipynb

  • HI-MassFraction-StellarMassPlot.ipynb -- Simplified from above - just makes the HI mass fraction against stellar mass plot.

  • HIMaNGA_First_Paper_EmilyHarrington_KLM.ipynb -- Code to make plots in Masters et al. 2019 on HI-MaNGA. Mostly written by Emily Harrington BMC '20.

  • KLM_RRL_PAandLength_Notebook.ipynb -- Rachel Langgin BMC'23 uploaded her code to measure bar position angles from GZ:3D masks

  • Metallicity_BinnedStatisticOverSamples.ipynb -- sample selection for spiral galaxies binned into arm winding level, loops over all galaxies in a sample and saves a metallicity trend for each. From Emmy Wisz BMC'23 senior thesis

  • Metallicity_MassBinning_LinearRegressionFits_FitsofFits.ipynb -- mass binning within subsamples, fitting a straight line to trends. From Emmy Wisz '23 senior thesis.

  • mpl_style.py -- Style file for Matplotlib which may be useful (from Coleman Krawcyzk)

  • Pipe3D_access.ipynb -- example notebook to access some Pipe3D analysis of MaNGA data (by KLM)

  • RadialGradientsMaNGAEditedMar20.ipynb -- create a radial metallicity trend for one or multiple galaxies. Originally from KLM, minor changes by Emmy Wisz.

  • VAC_GZ3D_tutorial_KLMedits.ipynb -- edits to the GZ3D VAC tutorial in Marvin so that it works on Sciserver.org (by KLM)

  • Arm_Interarm_Tutorial.ipynb -- tutorial to learn how to calculate excess in stellar mass density of spiral galaxy arms. By Maša Kilibarda '26 with edits by KLM

Other Useful Respositories

ASTR352 (Extragalactic Data Science Class) https://github.com/karenlmasters/ASTR352JupyterActivities

Masha's Spiral Arm Project Respository: https://github.com/mashakilibarda/Spiral_Arms_Mass_Project

Research Group Members also might like to check out Group Google Drive, which has some more private code sharing stuff.