
Provides simple and advance code samples for BootBox JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Various code sample

OED Steps


OED Progress bar

A flexible way to display a progress bar


An easy way to setup and use a progress bar for English or Spanish, if other languages are needed this would require minor changes. When 100% is reached in English "done" is appended to 100 while Spanish appends "hecho"


  • Bootstrap 4
  • OedProgressHelper.js (under Scripts/local)
  • oedProgressbar.css (under Content/Local)
  • Scripts/Local/SpokenLanguage.js which is a container for language e.g. EN, E, S, SP

In a .cfm or .html place the following in

<div class="container-fluid mt-n3 pl-0 pr-0">
    <div class="progress m-3 pl-lg-1" style="height:16px;" id="progressStatus">                
        <div class="progress-bar bg-success" id="pageProgress" role="progressbar">0%</div>

Initialize, if the first parameter is null English is used.

	$(document).ready(function() {               


Note each method with Back will be changed to Bar and color changed to Color

  • setBarcolor sets bar color accepts a valid Bootstrap color. Internally former color rule is first removed.
  • setBarcolorPrimary sets bar color to bg-primary.
  • setBarcolorDanger sets bar color to bg-danger.
  • setBarcolorOedGreen sets bar color to bg-success.
  • InitializeValueToZero, sets progress value to 0
  • Increment sets the progress bar value to a int value
  • StepByQuarters steps value by 25% to max of 100
  • StepBy10 steps value by 10% to max of 100
  • StepBy5 steps value by 5% to max of 100
  • CurrentValue returns the current progress bar value
  • Show displays the progress bar
  • Hide hides the progress bar
  • setLanguage to change spoken language (must first use int method)

Shown in Spanish screen


  • Basic code samples for Bootbox JS.
  • Bootstrap icons

Simple alert


BootBox samples


Bootstrap Icons

Get icons here https://icons.getbootstrap.com/
