
Basic code samples for DateOnly and TimeOnly

Primary LanguageC#

Working with DateOnly and TimeOnly (C#)

This repository demonstrates simple usage of DateOnly Struct done with a prerelease product.

There is a class project which is responsible for reading a json file with type Person class into a list using System.Text.Json. JsonSerializer.Deserialize. In the unit test project this data is tested as instances of the Person class.


To convert a DateOnly variable to a DateTime we use ToDateTime which requires a TimeOnly so to keep code light here is a lazy extension which default to mid-night or allows changing hours and/or minutes.

public static DateTime ToDateTime(this DateOnly sender, int hour = 0, int minutes = 0)
    => sender.ToDateTime(new TimeOnly(hour, minutes));


  • File scoped namespaces feature from C# 10 won't work
  • To use DateOnly and TimeOnly install SDK 6x
  • If using VS2019 for desktop projects
    • Set Use previews as shown in the image below
    • Set TargetFramework to net6.0-windows
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


  • Currently no code samples for TimeOnly which will follow shortly.

See also
