
Code samples for basic logging where name of log files is primary

Primary LanguageC#


Provides easy to use logging to files. See test method for usage

Write a captured run time exception to GeneralUnhandledException.txt in the same folder as the main assembly. Code sample comes from LoggingUnitTestProject.

✔️ If log file does not exist it will created otherwise appended too

catch (Exception exception1)
    ApplicationLog.Instance.WriteException(exception1, "Comment");

Write text only

The following method writes text (any size) to GeneralUnhandledException.txt. See unit test WriteTextToMainLog

ApplicationLog.Instance.WriteInformation("some text");

Write to multiple files

The following will create a new log file for each call. First call creates Log_1.txt, second Log_2.txt etc.

public void IncrementLogging()
    // write a simple string to a file
    ApplicationLog.Instance.Write("Some text 1");
    // write a paragraph of text to a file
    Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists("Log_1.txt") && File.Exists("Log_1.txt"));


The following is set for not creating language folders under bin\Debug
