
For teaching web development using Visual Studio

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Razor pages code samples


A collection of basic to advance code samples.

Project Description
Bootstrap5OffCanvasExample Simple example for offcanvas
Configuration1 Shows how to read custon values from appsettings.json
Configuration2 Shows how to read custon values from appsettings.json access in a page
CheckedListBox Has two samples for checked listbox, Index page works but not recommended while Index1 page is the correct way w/o a controller
Custom404Page Simple example for a custom 404 page
ConditionalLayout Shows how to change the layout file condionally on is week day or weekend
DropdownForCountries Shows how to populate a dropdown using EF Core 7
DropdownEumRazorPages Demonstrates loading a dropdown for enum
EnvironmentApplication Example for conditionally displaying user inferface elements
IsolationWebApp Example for Razor Pages css isolation (most samples are for Blazor)
LeftSideNavigation Navigation on left side of page
MultipleSubmitButtons1 Shows how to have multiple submit buttons for a form.
MultipleSubmitButtons2 Demo for SeriLog coloring output using code from SeriLogLibrary
MultipleSubmitButtonsBasic Demo for two forms, one page using EF Core 7
MockupApplication Basic example for working with IDataProtector along with a simple login page.
RadioButtonsExample Working with radio buttons with a strong typed list. Has several examples
RazorPagesAJAXNamedHandlersDemo Using Named Handler Methods to Make jQuery AJAX GET Calls in Razor Pages
RazorLibrary For helper classes
➡️ TempData helpers
➡️ Method to bring console window to front when starting a web app from Visual Studio
Revenue.Configuration.Core1 Example for storing application settings in a SQL-Server database
RevenueFrontEnd Frontend for Revenue.Configuration.Core1
SecretManagerExample1 Basic example for storing secrets in an app
SeriLogLibrary Helpers for SeriLog
SweetAlertExamples Shows how to use several dialogs from limonte-sweetalert2
SerilogCustomLogColors SeriLog
SeriLogConditional Toggle SeriLog within a razor page
SessionStateBasic Basic example for session states
SimpleModelBinding Shows form binding w/o a data source
WorkingWithTempData Example for working with TemData
DependencyInjectionBasic Basics for DI
TelerikSamples1 Various examples for Telerik library
🔴 Requires a license
TransformerSlugs How to create an SEO-friendly URL slug

Why Razor Pages?

Straightforward structure

ASP.NET Core Razor Pages takes a page-focused approach to the project structure. It colocates a page’s view and its PageModel (logic pertaining to a view) in a Pages directory. If you’ve modeled your content and identified that the majority of it is structured around the concept of a page, then Razor Pages may be the perfect framework for your project.