
Learning notes with sample code for webpack. Mostly from https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/02/a-detailed-introduction-to-webpack/.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webpack study notes

Reference: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/02/a-detailed-introduction-to-webpack/.

This example code I have done:

  • webpack & HTML generator. npm start will run the html server. HTML content rendered from handlebar template.

  • split bundle.js to vendor file (bundle.vendor.js) and file from custom code (bundle.js).

  • the js that performs delayed loading of the HTML. This is not async file loading, the code is already residing in the same file.

Common commands

  1. Compile scripts to desired output.
  npm start

Current build process is handled by webpack - look at package.json -> build field.

Output files is determine by webpac.config.js -> entry field

  1. Install needed modules
  npm install

Install dependencies specified in package.json

  1. Initialize npm
  npm init

This creates package.json

What is next?

  1. Adding hash or chunkhash to bundle.vendor.js (vendor files for browser caching). Read more here from Andrey Okonetchnikov.

  2. Modify rails to support webpack. Read more here from Clark Dave.

2.1 Alternatively look into webpacker gem.

  1. Rails 5.1 beta has integration to webpack via webpacker gem too. Package management however is done using Yarn.