
malicious .bat file generator

Primary LanguagePython


malicious .bat file generator written in python3.

Usage: python3 badbat.py

Menu options:

    [*] list :                    list all available malicious .bat payloads.
    [*] describe <id> :           get a long description about the specified id.
    [*] outfile <outfile> :       the file which will store the generated payload.
    [*] generate <id> :           generate the .bat file with the specified id.
    [*] help :                    show this help menu
    [*] exit :                    close the program

Available payloads:

    id  name                       description
    [1] fork bomb :             overload CPU, crash system
    [2] user bomb :             create infinite system users
    [3] folder bomb :           create infinite folders in desktop
    [4] C: destroyer :          delete everything in the C: drive
    [5] dns poisoner :          deny internet access to famous websites
    [6] persistent rebooter :   reboot upon every logon
    [7] time changer :          change time to random value
    [8] mouse swapper :         swap left-click with right-click
    [9] fork bomb v2 :          overload CPU,crash system, spawn notepad, cmd, powershell