This is the really first UX implementation based on the King Kong II library. This application mainly focus to make the job of online vendor frictionless . That should help the relation between local commerce and the online commerce.
Kio2-admin is a:
- helper for shoppers (logistic planification, ... )
- helper for shops (stock, customers, orders, shop admin, ...)
- an Amazon killer app!
- an instance of
- node >=v12.15.0,
- npm >=6.13.4
- the middleware KingKong II v3
$ git clone
$ cd kio2-admin && npm i
$ ionic cordova platform add browser
$ ionic serve -c devel
$ ionic cordova run browser --prod --port=8000
$ ionic cordova run android --prod --device
- note:
~equals--aot --minifycss --optimizejs
$ npx ionic cordova build browser --prod --env prod
$ ionic cordova build android --prod
$ ionic cordova run android --aot --minifycss --optimizejs --device
* to deploy the application, follow the rules
$ ionic cordova build browser --prod --env=bretzel
$ rsync -avziu --delete-after platforms/browser/www/ $user@$server:www/testadmin.76e01bcb2f3e102802/
$ adb logcat CordovaLog:D *:S
is an Android error that means an apk cannot be installed because its signature is incompatible with the currently installed version. This happens when you try to update a signed release build with a debug build for instance. The solution is to uninstall the existing app from the device.
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview