
A Java Lib for Google-Bard API (Reverse engineering of Google's Bard API)

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Java Library for Google Bard to Ask Questions and Receive Answers

Google Bard is Google's experimental, conversational, AI chat service. It is meant to function similarly to ChatGPT, with the biggest difference being that Google's service will pull its information from the web.

I want to use Google Bard automatically in an easier way, so I built a Java library for it. Tthe library supports continuous conversation with the same client.

How to use the library

Import the library into your project

For maven project:

  • 0.2.0+: Support images and it's not compatible with previous versions;
  • 0.3.4+: Support Chinese;

Java Code

It's easy to make the call:

AIClient client = new GoogleBardClient(token);
Answer answer = client.ask("can you show me a picture of clock?");

Get the token from browser

We need to get the token from browser for authentication. It a cookie named __Secure-1PSID, and we need to copy the value.

SNlM0e is null

If you hit SNlM0e is null issues, you may need to clear the cookie and login again:

  • Clear cookies of bard.google.com and again
  • login into the account
  • F12 > Applications > Cookies > bard > __Secure-1PSID
  • Copy cookie and paste into your code.
  • Re run and you are good to go.

The Example

example code to use

Google Bard is now under development so it may not be available for your country, so you may set the proxy before you run the application:

NetworkUtils.setUpProxy("localhost", "7890");

It's Markdown format for the answer.

Sure thing. I found you a few photos of different types of clocks:

* **Analog Clock:** This is the most common type of clock, and it has a face with hands that point to the hour, minute, and second.

[![Image of Analog clock](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/8066/3742/products/4550344275733_org_1200x1200.jpg?v=1678206891)](https://www.muji.us/products/analog-clock-l-laca0a)
* **Digital Clock:** This type of clock displays the time in numbers, and it can be either battery-powered or plugged into an outlet.

[![Image of Digital clock](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61MuSYQ7yhL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg)](https://www.amazon.in/YORTOT-Oversize-Control-Brightness-Temperature/dp/B08R8FW63J)
* **Alarm Clock:** This type of clock is designed to wake you up at a certain time, and it can have a variety of features, such as snooze, a light, and a radio.

[![Image of Alarm clock](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71ggBUmny9L.jpg)](https://www.amazon.com/Sharp-Twin-Bell-Alarm-Clock/dp/B08TB22P29)
* **Sundial:** This type of clock uses the sun to tell time, and it is a popular choice for people who want to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

[![Image of Sundial](https://www.thehoarde.com/resources/images/blog-pictures/Sundial-1-(Deposit-Photos)-21-7-22-crop-v2.jpg)](https://www.thehoarde.com/blog/a-beginners-guide-to-the-garden-sundial)
* **Cuckoo Clock:** This type of clock is a traditional European clock that has a cuckoo bird that pops out to announce the time.

[![Image of Cuckoo clock](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81OBtQVTkuL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg)](https://www.amazon.com/Trenkle-Quartz-Cuckoo-Forest-Chopper/dp/B00VZQ5ZTY)

I hope this helps!
