
This is a project for freeCodeCamp Back End Development and APIs course

Primary LanguageHTML

File Metadata Microservice

This project provides a simple "File Analyzer" API using Node.js, Express, and Multer for file uploads. It allows users to upload a file and receive information about its name, type, and size.

Key Features:

  • File upload support using Multer middleware.
  • Analyzes uploaded file name, type (MIME type), and size.
  • Returns JSON response with file information.
  • CORS-enabled for cross-origin requests.

Getting Started:

  1. Prerequisites: Node.js and npm or yarn installed on your system.
  2. Clone this repository: git clone git@github.com:karimAoulallay/fcc-file-metadata-microservice.git
  3. Install dependencies: npm install or yarn install
  4. Run the project: npm start or yarn start

API Endpoint:

  • POST /api/fileanalyse:
    • Accepts file uploads using the upfile field in the multipart form data.
    • Supported file types: No explicit restrictions, but server limitations may apply.
    • Response: JSON object containing:
      • name: Original filename of the uploaded file.
      • type: MIME type of the uploaded file.
      • size: Size of the uploaded file in bytes.