
Final Project for Makers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chronicle Content Tracker

For information about our approach and process, check out our wiki.

Demo site

The project is currently live. To take a look at it, please visit this webpage.

User Stories

MVP user stories

As a User,
So that I can track books I want to read,
I want to be able to add books to a list.
As a User,
So that I can choose the next book I want to read,
I want to be able to see the books on my list.
As a User,
So that I can track books I have read,s
I want to be able to mark books in my list as 'Read'.
As a User,
So I can keep track of the books I'm currently reading,
I want to mark books as 'Reading'.
As a User,
To keep my book list tidy,
I want to delete books I don't want on my list.
As a User,
So I have a personal list,
I want to be able to make an account and login.

Built With

  • For the backend, we decided to use Node.js to run our server side applications. Express.js is used for our routing framework. Postgresql was used as our database manager. Mockup docs were created using Sketch.


To setup the project:

  1. Install Node using Homebrew (macOS/Linux) or via the Node.js website! (Windows)
  2. Navigate to the local project directory and install dependencies:
npm install
npm install -g --save sequelize-cli
  1. Tests are run using the Jest testing suite. To run tests:

Start the server in the test environment:

NODE_ENV=test npm start

then run

npm test

To run tests with a coverage report

yarn test --coverage
  1. Create a role for the test database. Connect to psql and run the following commands:
CREATE ROLE noodle_eater WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'r@m3n!';
  1. Create a database plus a test user to make changes to it using the following PSQL commands:
sequelize db:create
  1. To update the databases, you'll need to install sequelize
npm install -g sequelize-cli

and then access sequelize JS package via the command line:

sequelize db:migrate
sequelize db:migrate --env test
  1. To run the project in the developer environment:
npm start

or after setting it to the test environment:

NODE_ENV=development npm start