
The best videos from the Android community and beyond


At Yelp, we're big believers in continually improving our skills as developers. For the past two years, our Android team has been doing that at our weekly Android School, where we get together and watch some of the best videos from the Android community and beyond. Sometimes these are programming related, but sometimes they're on more general topics like how to be better technical leaders.

We've found this to be immensely useful in growing our skills as software engineers, so we wanted to share it with the wider Android community to help other teams wade through the ocean of content that exists out there.

We'll be updating this once every month or so as we complete new topics in our own Android School!


Android Build Tools

Android OS


Views - Next Level

Android Features

Software Engineering Theory: Patterns

Software Engineering Theory: Writing Clean Code

Software Engineering Theory

UI Design

Android Performance

Being a Great Engineer

Being a Great Engineer (Month 2)

Being a Great Engineer (Month 3)


Organizational Culture

RxJava Talks

Various Cool Android Libraries

Making Your App Work Offline

Android App Architecture

Google IO 2016

Google IO 2017


Tools (Android Studio, Debugger, OS X productivity)

API Design: How Does the Backend Work?