- index.html (About/Home)
- portfolio.html
- contact.html
using Bootstrap and adding some CSS styles such as :
- Google fonts for navbar brand
- Pseudo class (hover)
Also, there is a hamburger menu on navbar for small screens and needs javascript functin. That is why I left it inactive for now!
Using grid system to create it.
- first row with two columns (col-md-6)
- second row with one column (row mb-5 mt-5)
Using Fontawesome to add Github icon for a fixed footer and then add my githup account link.
alert class
grid system
(col-md-4 & col-md-8)
(col-md-12 col-lg-6) for cards
Adding links to cards and opening them in a new tab (target:_blank)
using grid system one row with 2 columns
adding media query that hide the picture for screen less than 460 px
@media screen and (max-width:460px) { #pic{ display: none; } }
- background colors
- fonts
- font styles
- position
- margin
- padding