
Advanced Computer and Media Lab, Winter term 2020-2021 GUC PORTAL Project Description In this project, you are required to implement a GUC portal that provides GUC staff members with multiple useful functionalities. Out of the GUC staff members, our portal targets academic members including (teaching assistants, course instructors, course coordinators, head of departments (HOD)) and HR members. The exact functionalities that are needed for the project will be stated in the milestone description document. 1 Teaching System In the GUC, there are multiple faculties. Each faculty contains one or more department. One of the academic staff of each department should be assigned as the head of department. Each department offers different courses. Each course should have one or more instructor and one or more teaching assistant. One of the teaching assistants should be assigned as a course coordinator. Each course should have a specific number of teaching slots. These teaching slots could be lectures, tutorials and/or labs. These slots are assigned to academic members. Course coverage is defined as how many slots are assigned to academic members, relative to the total number of slots in this course. A course is fully covered when it reaches a coverage of 100% Each academic staff member should have a working schedule. In GUC, there are five slots per each working day. For each slot in the schedule, the timing of the slot, course taught in and the location of the slot should be known (in case teaching activity or replacement is done during the slot). 2 Core Functionalities Some of the core functionalities that the portal offers to each staff member is to track his/her attendance and request different types of leaves. Below is how these two features should work. 2.1 Attendance System The attendance system is applied on all GUC staff members, with the following rules: 1 • Each staff member has one day off in addition to Friday. • Each staff member should spend at least 8 hours, 24 minutes per the five remaining days. • Those 8:24 hours are accumulated by the end of the month. That is, it is acceptable for a staff member to spend 7:24 hours a day, then compensate for the missing hour by spending extra time on single/multiple days(as long as it’s the same month). • Missing days (not attending any of the five working days) can’t be compensated unless a compensation leave is requested(explained below). Attending extra 8 hours 24 minutes (either on a single/multiple days) will not compensate for the missing day. • Multiple sign in and sign out within the same day is allowed. How ever any sign in not followed by a sign out, or a sign out not preceded with a sign in will not be calculated. • Hours spent each day are only counted from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Any hours spent before/after this time interval are neglected. • If a staff member signed in on his/her day off, these hours are accumulated in the current month’s hours. • The attendance of each month starts by the 11th day of the month, and ends by the 10th day of the following month. • If a staff member missed up to 2 hours 59 minutes in any month’s attendance, no deduction will be applied on this month’s salary. • Any shortage of hours or days will result in salary deduction. • Salary deduction is calculated as follows: – In case of missing days: For each missing day: staff’s salary/60 will be deducted. – In case of missing hours: If a staff member has more than 2 hours 59 minutes, then the deduction goes as follows: ∗ For each missing hour: staff’s salary/180 will be deducted. ∗ For each missing minute: staff’s salary/180 * 60 will be deducted. 2.2 Leaves System Each staff member has an annual leave balance, that he/she can use to apply for different leaves. Each month, 2.5 days are added to each staff annual leaves balance. This 0.5 day can’t be used unless accumulated with another 0.5 day from another month. 2.2.1 Annual Leaves • Annual leaves should be submitted before the targeted day. • If a staff member wishes to take a day off from his annual balance, and he/she has teaching obligations on this day, then he/she should find a replacement member from the same department teaching the same course. • The replacement staff member has to be notified. In case of acceptance, then the requesting staff member should be notified that the replacement accepted their request. 2 • After the requesting staff member is notified by the acceptance, he/she can then submit the request (stating in the request who is the replacement staff member) to the HOD. • In case the staff didn’t find a replacement, he can still send the request and the decision of acceptance/rejection would be upon the head of department. 2.2.2 Accidental Leaves • Each staff member has up to six days for accidental leaves. • Accidental leaves can be submitted after the targeted day. • Accidental leaves are consumed from the annual leave balance. 2.2.3 Sick Leaves • Sick leaves are not consumed from the annual leaves balance. This leave can be submitted by maximum three days after the sick day. • Sick leaves have no day limits. • Proper documents should be submitted with the leave request to prove the medical condition. 2.2.4 Maternity Leaves • Maternity leaves are not consumed from the annual leaves balance. • Maternity leaves should only be submitted by female staff members. • Proper documents should be submitted with the leave request to prove the maternity condition. 2.2.5 Compensation Leaves In case a staff member is absent on a working day, he can request a compensation leave in order to avoid salary deduction. In order for the request to be valid, the staff member should attend his day off during the same month which he was absent in.

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