
This include allows you to use inline functions as callbacks for timers, similiar to inline dialog callbacks and inline MySQL callbacks.

Primary LanguagePawnMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0



This include allows you to use inline functions as callbacks for timers, similiar to inline dialog callbacks and inline MySQL callbacks.

There is no support for passing extra arguments through this, because the variables (and arguments) in the parent function are accessible in the inline function as well due to a feature called "closuers", thus rendering the usage of the extra arguments useless. This is however a feature of YSI itself and it has nothing to do with this include.


Simply install to your project:

sampctl package install ltkarim/inline-timers

Include in your code and begin using the library:

#include <inline_timers>


SetInlineTimer(callback: callback, delay, repeat)

  • Parameters:
    • callback: The inline callback to use.
    • delay: The interval of the timer in milliseconds.
    • repeat: whether the timer should repeat or not.
  • Returns:
    • false on failure, ID to be used with KillInlineTimer on success.

Starts a timer with the specified interval.

NOTE: This function does NOT return the timer ID, rather the malloc address that contains the timer ID and callback data. You can't use KillTimer to kill it!


  • Parameters:
    • timer: The timer ID returned by SetInlineTimer.
  • Returns:
    • true regardless of the result.

Stops the specified timer.

NOTE: Inline timers have to be killed with the above function since it allocates extra memory that need to be freed.


    someInt = 1337,
    someStr[] = "hello world",
    Float: someFloat = 1.337

inline TimerTest()
    printf(" TimerTest called after 3 seconds! %i, %s, %0.3f", someInt, someStr, someFloat);
SetInlineTimer(using inline TimerTest, 3000, false);


 TimerTest called! 1337, hello world, 1.337


  • YSI
    • y_malloc
    • y_inline


To test, simply run the package:

sampctl package run
