A publication manager to write publications in markdown.
This project is for internal usage. Do with it what you will.
It's not meant to be a "competitor". GitBook hasn't been updated in a while, and it's issues with MathJax show up time and time again and rarely ever works together.
Usage: publicist <command> [OPTIONS]
init|i [directory] initializes a new project
build|b [options] [directory] compiles publication into output forms
A publication manager to write publications in markdown.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
- The table of contents specifies the order of published sections in the publication. If its not in there, it won't show up on the output.
- The abstract of the publication belongs in the "SUMMARY.md" file. The length is irrelevant.
- The author(s) name(s) go in the "README.md" file along with the TOC. It must be put in regular text in a byline by writing "Byline: [author names]".