
Verify CPU circuits in Logisim or Verilog against MARS simulation

Primary LanguagePython

This is inspired by BUAA-CO-Logisim-Judger.

This helps to verify MIPS CPU in Logisim circuits or Verilog HDL against MARS simulation based on given .asm programs.

Getting started


Set up the output pins in your main circuit in order of PC (32-bit by default), GRF_WRITE_ENABLED (1-bit), GRF_WRITE_ADDRESS (5-bit), GRF_WRITE_DATA (32-bit), DM_WRITE_ENABLED (1-bit), DM_WRITE_ADDRESS (32-bit by default), and DM_WRITE_DATA (32-bit). Dumped instructions for verification will be loaded into the ROM component automatically.

Verilog (ISim)

Your test bench should instantiate the CPU and provide clocks. At initialization or reset, it should $readmemh from code.txt into the instruction memory and $display writing accesses as the course requires.




$ python logisim-judge.py mips.circ mips1.asm kits/logisim.jar --dm-address-width 5 --dm-address-by-word
$ python logisim-judge.py --help

Verilog (ISim)

$ python isim-judge.py ise-projects/mips4 tb mips1.asm --recompile

Unless the switch --recompile is specified, latest changes on the sources may not take effect before a manual ISim simulation.

$ python isim-judge.py ise-projects/mips5 tb mips1.asm --db

The switch --db enables delayed branching for MARS.

$ python isim-judge.py --help

Python APIs

Refer to example.py for a useful wheel.


from judge import Mars, ISim, Logisim, MarsJudge, DuetJudge, resolve_paths, INFINITE_LOOP

isim = ISim('ise-projects/mips5', 'tb', appendix=INFINITE_LOOP)
mars = Mars(db=True)
judge = MarsJudge(isim, mars)

judge.all(['mips1.asm', 'mips2.asm'])
judge.all(resolve_paths(['./cases', './extra-cases', 'mips1.asm']))

logisim = Logisim('mips.circ', 'kits/logisim.jar', appendix=INFINITE_LOOP)
naive_mars = Mars()
judge = MarsJudge(logisim, naive_mars)

isim = ISim('ise-projects/mips7', 'tb', appendix=INFINITE_LOOP)
judge = MarsJudge(isim, mars)

std = ISim('ise-projects/mips-std', 'tb', appendix=INFINITE_LOOP)
judge = DuetJudge(isim, std, mars)
judge('interrupts.asm')  # Dui Pai