

This application is designed to run under Ruby 2.3.3. It utilizes the webpacker gem, so a recent version of Node.js, npm, and Yarn are also required.

To setup the application, use the binstub:


Once installed, you can run the application using:

rails server

And then load in your browser

The Lay of the Land

There is a single model: Rating. It has a score attribute with a value from 0-10. Using the NPS Methdology, the percentage of Promoters and Detractors are calculated using class methods.

The root page is RatingsController#index. It outputs the latest calculation of the NPS score. The buttons in the Rate! section are implemented as basic forms which POST to RatingsController#create and reloads the page.

Specs and linters are provided. Running bundle exec rake will execute rspec, rubocop, haml_lint, and eslint.

The Task

Fork this repository. Your mission, if you choose to accept:

  1. Style the page using the provided mockups (located in mockups/ in png and Sketch format).
  2. Color the dial with the corresponding color from the legend. It should rotate to indicate the score.
  3. Update the Appreciate! calculations without a full page reload.

Once complete, create a Pull Request and assign @techvalidate/engineering as a reviewer.


  1. Javascript should be added to app/javascripts via webpack, and not the asset pipeline. We prefer ES6.
  2. For this exercise, do not use a CSS framework such as Bootstrap. We use SASS syntax, but that is optional for this exercise.
  3. We use HAML for markup. Use it if you're familiar with it, but if not, don't sweat it.
  4. Web-ready fonts in several weights of Apple's SF UI Text and SF UI Display are included in public/fonts, and font-face declarations are included in app/assets/stylesheets/_typography.sass
  5. Passing test coverage and clean lint is always appreciated.

Above and Beyond

This is your opportunity to show us your idea of quality code. We look forward to a write up of how you approached the problem and decisions you made along the way. There are numerous way to achieve the Javascript portions of this challenge: why did you select a given approach? What are its limitations? What tradeoffs did you make?