
A full NLP pipeline for Named Entity Recognition of political speeches

Primary LanguagePython

Named Entity Recognition system for political speech

A full NLP pipeline

About the data

The corpus consists of a sample of transcribed speeches given at the UN General Assembly from 1993-2016, which were scraped from the UN website, parsed (e.g. from PDF), and cleaned.

More than 50,000 tokens in the test data were manually tagged for Named Entity Recognition (O - Not a Named Entity; I-PER - Person; I-ORG - Organization; I-LOC - Location; I-MISC - Other Named Entity).

How to run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

1 Part-of-Speech tagging (on tagged-test/ and tagged-training/) using a sequence of NLTK taggers (Bigram, Unigram, Regex, Default)

python3 main_pos.py input_dir output_dir


  • input_dir is a directory containing text files with a token and a Named Entity tag on each line separated by a tab (line of whitespace separates sentences)
  • the script generates output_dir containing one JSON file per sentence in the input_dir
  • Each JSON (file) is a dictionary of (1) a list of the words in the sentence as strings, (2) a list of [word, POS] pairs, and (3) a list of dictionaries, each of which represent a word and several features

2 Chunking using an NLTK Unigram Tagger and manually tagged training data

python3 main_chunker.py input_dir training_chunk_data.json output_dir


  • input_dir is the output of the previous step
  • training_chunk_data.json is manually chunktagged data
  • the script generates output_dir containing JSON files that correspond to those in input_dir, with an additional key-value pair is added to represent a list of [word, pos, chunk tag]

3 Feature preparation for machine learning models

python3 main_prep_for_ner.py input_dir output_dir


  • input_dir is the output of the previous step
  • output_dir contains JSON files that correspond to those in input_dir, with additional features added to the word-dictionaries (see (3) in Step 1)

4 Ensemble Named Entity tagging with MaxEnt Markov Model, multiclass Naive Bayes, and Decision Tree Classifiers

python3 main_ner.py training_dir test_dir num_iterations output_dir predicted_classifications.json true_classifications.json


  • training_dir is the output of the previous step for training data
  • test_dir as above, for test data
  • num_iterations for MaxEnt Classifier
  • output_dir contains one output file (technically invalid JSON) generated for each classifier, where each line is a word's dictionary of features and the predicted NER tag

5 Performance

python3 scorer.py true_classifications.json predicted_classifications.json


  • true NER labels (JSON)
  • output of the previous step (JSON)