
AOSP build scripts for AIC

Primary LanguageShell

Building Android Images for AiC

This repository automates the creation of AOSP images for the AiC project.


  • A lot of disk space and time. 90-100GB for each Android version is a reasonable assumption.
  • A reasonably modern linux distribution (tested with Ubuntu 16.10).
  • The commands make and docker.

Install bin/repo

Repo is a Google tool used to handle many git repositories in a sane way.

user@server:~/aic/ats.rombuild$ make bin/repo
curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo -o bin/repo && chmod 755 bin/repo

Download the AOSP mirror (optional)

If you need to build multiple AOSP versions (for instance, Android 4.4.4 and 5.1.1) you should make a local mirror of all AOSP repositories.

When a local mirror is available, recreating the sources of any version is faster and consumes a lot less bandwidth.

Downloading too much data from android.googlesource.com can trigger a temporary ban on your IP address.

The downside is that the mirror takes about 125GB and contains more than a thousand repositories.

To create the local mirror, run

user@server:~/aic/ats.rombuild$ ./bin/mirror-update
repo mirror has been initialized in /home/user/aic/ats.rombuild/src/mirror
Fetching projects:   0% (1/1125)
Fetching projects: 100% (1125/1125), done.

After the first download, you can periodically run mirror-update to synchronize with the upstream sources.

Download the sources

If you have a local mirror, run:

user@server:~/aic/ats.rombuildtest$ make rom-init-mirror
mkdir -p src/aic-kitkat && cd src/aic-kitkat && /home/user/aic/ats.rombuildtest/bin/repo init -q
-u https://github.com/AiC-Project/manifest.git -b aic-kitkat --reference=/home/user/aic/ats.rombuildtest/src/mirror
warning: no common commits

repo has been initialized in /home/user/aic/ats.rombuildtest/src/aic-kitkat
mkdir -p src/aic-lollipop && cd src/aic-lollipop && /home/user/aic/ats.rombuildtest/bin/repo init -q
-u https://github.com/AiC-Project/manifest.git -b aic-lollipop --reference=/home/user/aic/ats.rombuildtest/src/mirror

If you decided NOT to have a local mirror, run make rom-init-nomirror instead.

Then create the source tree:

user@server:~/aic/ats.rombuildtest$ make rom-sync-all
/home/user/aic/ats.rombuildtest/bin/rom-sync src/aic-kitkat
Fetching projects: 100% (378/378), done.
Syncing work tree: 100% (377/377), done.

/home/user/aic/ats.rombuild/bin/rom-sync src/aic-lollipop
Fetching projects: 100% (388/388), done.
Syncing work tree: 100% (387/387), done.

The above command creates a directory under src/ for each available branch. You can adapt the Makefile to your needs, for instance to only download a specific branch.

Even after syncing, do NOT remove src/mirror as that would break the existing source trees.

Compiling Android

The following command requires access to docker, therefore you may need to run it through sudo.

It creates docker images with compiler + dependencies, then run the compilation inside containers that share the sources through a volume.

user@server:~/aic/ats.rombuild$ sudo make rom-build-all
docker build --build-arg USER_ID=1000 --build-arg GROUP_ID=1000 -t aic.rombuilder-4.4.4 docker/4.4.4
Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.608 kB
Step 1 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
 ---> 2fa927b5cdd3
Step 2 : ENV archive "make-3.82.tar.gz"
 ---> Running in f0eb3ed0a0be
I/diskutils(29143): Wrote 1073741824 bytes to out/target/product/gobyt/android_system_disk.img @ 31365120
Updated inst_boot length to be 5413KB
Updated inst_system length to be 1048576KB
Copying images to specified partition offsets
File edit complete. Wrote 2 images.
Done with bootable android system-disk image -[ out/target/product/gobyt/android_system_disk.img ]-
WARNING: The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist.
         Please install the virtualbox-dkms package and the appropriate
         headers, most likely linux-headers-generic.

         You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed.
Converting from raw image file="out/target/product/gobyt/android_system_disk.img" to file="out/target/product/gobyt/android_system_disk.vdi"...
Creating dynamic image with size 1105106944 bytes (1054MB)...
Done with VirtualBox bootable system-disk image -[ out/target/product/gobyt/android_system_disk.vdi ]-

For each compiled branch, two images will appear under ./android/{branch-name}/{gobyp, gobyt}/ as soon as they are built, respectively for phone and tablet.

You can reference these directories directly from the other AiC deployment scripts, or pack everything with make tar.

Compile the kernel (Kitkat only):

In AOSP 5.x and later, the kernel is compiled with the rest of the system.

To do the same for kitkat, you'll have to compile it manually before running make rom-build-all.

You don't need to do that unless you want to change configuration, because the aic-kitkat sources include a precompiled kernel image.

$ git clone https://github.com/AiC-Project/kernel.git -b aic-kitkat src/kernel
$ cp src/aic-kitkat/device/aicVM/blob/bzImage.config src/kernel/.config
$ . bin/kernel-env.sh
$ cd src/kernel
$ make clean oldconfig

(optional) make xconfig

$ make -j4
$ cp arch/x86/boot/bzImage ../aic-kitkat/device/aicVM/blob/
$ cp drivers/video/uvesafb.ko ../aic-kitkat/device/aicVM/blob/
$ cp .config ../aic-kitkat/device/aicVM/blob/