Heroes API

Building an API using Ruby on Rails 6.

Ruby Version 2.5.8
Rails Version
Database PostgreSQL


  # clone the project
  git clone https://github.com/karinevieira/heroes-api.git

  # enter the cloned directory
  cd heroes-api

  # run the project
  docker-compose up --build

  # create the development and test databases
  rails db:create

  # migrate tables to database
  rails db:migrate

Open the browser at the address http://localhost:3000

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command


API Reference

Include a Header Authorization

For all requests, use an Authorization header, of size >= 10 characters, so that you can only manipulate your data, for example:

  curl --request GET \
  --url 'http://localhost:3000/api/heroes' \
  --header 'Authorization: anyTokenCanBeUsed'


Endpoints Usage Params
GET /api/heroes Get all of the heroes.
GET /api/heroes?name=term Get all heroes with name like a term. term: [String]
GET /api/heroes/:id Get the details of a single hero.
POST /api/heroes Create a new hero. name: [String]
PUT /api/heroes/:id Edit the details of an existing hero. name: [String]
DELETE /api/heroes/:id Remove the hero.