What nfiftest?
nfiftest (Not Fancy Intellisence Friendly test) is header-only, less macro using, somewhat verbose test library based on C++11.
Concept and API is similar to Catch2, but nfiftest is more primitive and you nedd to write more ugly code. The reward is less macro. It's much more intellisence friendly (That's all I need!) and easier to step-execute.
Grap nfiftest.hpp and include it.
Just skim sample would be enough for most C++ programmers (Especially if you already know Catch2).
Basic Concept
- Test case
REQUIRE and SECTION is somewhat similar to Catch2. There are no auto registration now but you can write test with lambda.
There are no ASSERT or EXPECT. Just REQUIRE.
Test case and run
Write testcase like this:
std::vector<nfiftest::TestPair> test_cases = {
{"test name1", []{...}},
{"test name2", []{...}}
No macro here.
Then run test like this.
You can add section like following.
if(SECTION("Some section name")) { SG g;
There is naked if
and you need to place SG (SectionGuard) object by hand.
No macro here.
itself is semantically meaningless.
Please regard this whole line just as SECTION beginning.
REQUIRE is just put expression which should be true.
REQUIRE(3+5 == 8);
This use macro. This is the only place where macro is used.
Multiple test file
There must be only one include without this define, all other must be include with this symbol.
For example:
// file test2.cpp
#include "nfiftest.hpp"
using namespace nfiftest;
static std::vector<TestPair> test_cases1 = {
void RegisterTest2(std::vector<TestPair>& testCases) {
testCases.insert(testCases.end(), test_cases1.begin(), test_cases1.end());
// file test1.cpp
#include "nfiftest.hpp"
using namespace nfiftest;
static std::vector<TestPair> test_cases1 = {
extern void RegisterTest2(std::vector<TestPair>& testCases);
int main() {
std::vector<TestPair> test_cases;
test_cases.insert(test_cases.end(), test_cases1.begin(), test_cases1.end());
RegisterTest2( test_cases );
return 0;
Not supported
- No command line handling
- No fancy output
When I used this library to real project, I found some tips.
Redefine REQUIRE inside .cpp
Using REQUIRE outside of .cpp sometime makes code analysis slower. At that time, just re-define REQUIRE.
#include "nfiftest.hpp"
#undef REQUIRE
#define REQUIRE(expr) if(!(expr)) throw nfiftest::assert_fail_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, #expr)
This is ridiculously effective.
Split test cases
Sometime, long initializer list of test case makes code analysis slower. At that time, split test case vector and merge it before RunTest.
std::vector<TestPair> test_cases1 = {
{"test1", []{...}},
{"test2", []{...}},
std::vector<TestPair> test_cases2 = {
{"test2_1", []{...}},
{"test2_2", []{...}},
int main()
std::vector<TestPair> test_cases;
test_cases.insert(test_cases.end(), test_cases1.begin(), test_cases1.end());
test_cases.insert(test_cases.end(), test_cases2.begin(), test_cases2.end());
return 0;
After splitting test cases, re-open file mitigate slow intellisence update.