
Node.js Assignment

To view the output from LIRI, please view the file above title "liriappworks.png"

About the App: LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface and is a command line node app. It takes in parameters and gives back data. The following commands can be run using the LIRI Bot

  1. concert-this
  2. spotify-this-song
  3. movie-this
  4. do-what-it-says

Steps to Reproduce (STRs):

  1. Open terminal.
  2. Navigate to the folder containing the liri.js file.
  3. Depending on the command line you run, the output will vary.

Summary: The bot is able to connect with Spotify's API and run commands to pull information from OMDB and BandsinTown

Deployed Version Link:

Technologies Used:

  1. Javascript
  2. Node.js
  3. Node packages: Node-Spotify Api, Request, Moment, DotEnv
  4. API's used: Spotify, Bands in Town, OMDB

Command Executions:

  1. Node liri.js Spotify-this-song
  2. Node liri.js concert-this
  3. Node liri.js movie-this
  4. Node liri.js do-what-it-says