A script that shows the total available updates for Arch Linux using yay
Includes optional click actions to display a notification of available updates
and another to display a GUI list of available packages and trigger the update
of those the user selects.
Requires yay
Optional left and right click actions required:
, window managernotify-send
, broadcast notifcationzenity
, display table for package selectiontermite
, terminal to execute updates with output
type = custom/script
exec = ~/code/yay-polybar/updates-arch-yay.sh
interval = 600
click-left = i3-msg exec ~/code/yay-polybar/notify-updates.sh
click-right = i3-msg exec ~/code/yay-polybar/prompt-updates.sh
Left clicking on the module will trigger a system notifcation with a list of package names for which there are currently updates available.
Right clicking on the module will trigger the display of a table to allow the
selection of which packages to upgrade, and automatically start their upgrade
through yay
Show package updates from Polybar in floating window
for_window [instance="^package-update$" class="^Termite$"] floating enable, move position center