
Instructions and examples for how to analyze epicPCR data

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epicPCR analysis

Instructions and examples for how to analyze epicPCR data

Prepare bioconda environment for epicPCR analysis

Make sure that you have conda installed. If you don't have conda on your machine, you can get it from here.

conda --version

I you're running this on CSC's Puhti supercomputer, you can activate conda with module load command.
You should also set the project application folder, so that conda knows where to install or look for virtual environments.

module load bioconda/3

After that you can check which virtual environments are already set up.

conda env list

And if the project already has epicPCR environment, you can activate it and move on the the next part about environmental variables.

If you're not on Puhti or don't have the virtual environment ready, you need to create one.
The environment.yml in this repository has the instructions for condato create it. Copy it to your home folder on the machine where you want the virtual environment.

conda env create -f environment.yml

### Before starting analysis activate the conda environment
conda activate epicPCR

### You can deactivate the environment like this
conda deactivate

Adding environmental variables

In addition to the bioinformatic programs we need to define some environmental variables which will make the analysis with the master script automatic. We need to tell the script where your SILVA database of SSUs is located and also what minimum and maximum length you want to use for trimming your reads. It is good to have a rather broad size range if you have several genes in your dataset. We also need to define the wanted threshold for clustering OTUs. 97% and 99% are most commonly used.

## If you don't have a mothur version of the Silva database, download it from mothur website

mkdir SILVA132

cd SILVA132

wget https://mothur.org/w/images/3/32/Silva.nr_v132.tgz

tar zxvf Silva.nr_v132.tgz

Set an environmental variable pointing to the Silva database. You need to change the path to your Silva database folder.


Check that this works! If not you need to set the path again or change the name of your silva align and taxonomy files.


Set variables for the minimum and maximum length of epicpCR products. This is dependent on YOUR OWN product lengths. Note that you might need to change these after you have done the analysis and looked at results. You can also filter out long and short sequences later so you don't need to set these too strict in the beginning.

export MIN_LEN="350"
export MAX_LEN="550"

Set variables for the OTU clustering threshold

export OTU_TRH="0.99"


Before we start analysing we need to obtain some data to work with. We will use the data from Jenni Hultman's paper. Downloading files from ENA is a very useful tool for the future too so keep a hold of this script!

Download files from Hultman et al. (2018) epicPCR study PRJEB23695 from ENA.

If you're on CSC's computer, open a screen, since this might take a while and you might want to log out and go home for example.
Also when on Puhti, store your data on the scracth folder and backup things to Allas.

screen -S epic

# Make directory myfiles
mkdir myfiles

# Go to your directory myfiles
cd myfiles

Download the list of files to download This is obtained by going to the ENA website and searching with the project id that is available in the article. You can select which fields you want to get in the tabs by clicking. Here we want the submitted file names preserved so we have chosen the submitted_ftp format.

wget -O list_of_files "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/warehouse/filereport?accession=PRJEB23695&result=read_run&fields=submitted_ftp&download=txt"

Modify list so that all samples are in one line

tr ';' '\n' < list_of_files > list_of_files2

mv -f list_of_files2 list_of_files

Download the files and unpack. This might take a while.

while read file_name; do wget $file_name; done<list_of_files

gunzip &ast;gz

Check that you have all the files. Compare to the website source if needed.

Good! Now you have all the raw data fastq files from Hultman et al. paper.

Additional small files

Next we need to make small files which are needed in the bioinformatic analysis. We need information about the 16S end primers, target gene linker (inside) and nested (outside/forward) primers and a list of simplified sample names we want to use further on. These are specific for YOUR OWN genes and YOUR OWN samples.

Make file for 16S end primer

The 785R needs to be in REVERSE COMPLEMENT orientation for this to work.


Make file for primer mapping

The file should not have a header and the first column has the gene name and the second column should have the nested primer or the outside/forward primer for epic functional gene and the third column the REVERSE COMPLEMENT of the linker or inside primer for epic functional gene.

Hultman et al., example


Another example


Make file for sample names

The simplified sample name file should be in the same order as your sample reads are. You can check this manually after creating the sample_names file.

Hultman et al., example

ls -r &ast;R1_001.fastq | sed 's/A0..-//g' | awk -F '\\-Hultman' '{print $1}' | cut -c-5 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | tr '-' '_' > sample_names

Another example

ls -r &ast;R1_001.fastq | awk -F '-' '{print $1 "_" $2 "_" $3}' > sample_names

The actual analysis of epicPCR data

Now that we have the files we need with primer and sample name info and the raw data and our working environment set as we like to we can start the actual analysis.

Remember to do this interactively in screen or as a batch job so you don't loose your work if your connection breaks.

Epic PCR analysis read pre-treatment.

Activate bioconda environment

module load bioconda/3
conda activate epicPCR

Analyze quality. This might take a while

mkdir -p fastqc

fastqc *fastq -o fastqc/.

multiqc fastqc/*.zip -n fastqc/multiqc_rawdata

Print list of R1 reads and save the base name "read_base"

ls -tr *R1*fastq | sed 's/1_001.fastq//g' > read_base

Remove 3' adapter from R1 and 5' adapter from R2

(The reverse complement of the 16S (785R) primer's adapter is removed from R1 using option -a and the reverse complement of the ARG primer (F3) adapter is removed from the R2 using option -A. Make sure to check that you don't have any adapter sequences left from the multiqc report. Sometimes using a shorter universal Illumina adapter sequence in -A is needed. If you see that R2 has adapters left, change the command so that the parameter for R2 primer revoval is -A AGATCGGAAGAG

while read list; do cutadapt ./$list"1_001.fastq" ./$list"2_001.fastq" \
-o ./$list"1_001_adapter_trimmed.fastq" -p $list"2_001_adapter_trimmed.fastq" \
;done<read_base &> cutadapt_out_adapter_trimmed

fastqc *1_001_adapter_trimmed.fastq -o fastqc/.

fastqc *2_001_adapter_trimmed.fastq -o fastqc/.

multiqc fastqc/*_adapter_trimmed_fastqc.zip -n multiqc_adapter_trimmed

multiqc * -n multiqc_all_files

Assemble reads with pear.

This might take a while.

Hultman et al., example

while read list; do pear -y 150M -j 8 -f $list"1_001.fastq" \
-r $list"2_001.fastq" -o $list"12";done<read_base&>pear_out

Another example

while read list; do pear -y 150M -j 8 -f $list"1_001_adapter_trimmed.fastq" \
-r $list"2_001_adapter_trimmed.fastq" -o $list"12";done<read_base&>pear_out

List number of assembled files

ls -lt *.assembled.fastq | wc -l

Remove not needed files

ls *discarded*

rm -f *discarded*

rm -f *unassembled*

Analyze quality of merged reads. This might take a while.

fastqc *R12.assembled.fastq -o fastqc/.

multiqc fastqc/*R12.assembled_fastqc.zip -n multiqc_R12.assembled

Remove 16S end primer and do quality filtering.

You can change the -q option based on the quality of the fastqc

while read name_base; do cutadapt ./$name_base*".assembled.fastq" \
-a file:785Rprimers.fasta -o $name_base"12_filtered.pair.fastq" --trimmed-only \
--max-n=5 -q 20 -m $MIN_LEN -M $MAX_LEN;done<read_base &> cutadapt_16S_out

less cutadapt_out

Check with fastqc

fastqc *12_filtered.pair.fastq -o fastqc/. &>fastqc_out

ls -ltr *12_filtered.pair.fastq | wc -l

Transform to fasta

You might need to define -i and -o options for the fastq_to_fasta command depending on which program is running the fastq_to_fasta command

while read name; do fastq_to_fasta $name"12_filtered.pair.fastq" \
> $name"12_filtered.pair.fasta";done<read_base

Make mapping file for renaming

paste sample_names read_base > name_mapping

Rename the files

while read i



       mv -f ${arr[1]}12_filtered.pair.fasta ${arr[0]}_joined_assembled.fasta

done < name_mapping

Rename for OTU table creation

while read i



sed "s/>@*/>barcodelabel=${arr[0]};read=/g"  ${arr[0]}_joined_assembled.fasta \
> ${arr[0]}_joined_assembled_renamed.fasta

done < sample_names

Combine to one file

cat *_joined_assembled_renamed.fasta > all_joined_assembled.fasta

Split the fasta file based on the genes using primer sequences

Make folders for all target genes

while read i



	mkdir -p ${arr[0]}reads

done < map.txt

Split scrip

Extract reads starting with the forward primer (nested one)

while read i



##### Extract reads starting with the target gene forward primer (nested one) F3 (-g option)

cutadapt all_joined_assembled.fasta -g ${arr[1]} \
-o ${arr[0]}reads/filtered.${arr[0]}.fasta  --trimmed-only \
-O 10 -e 0.2 &> ${arr[0]}reads/filtered.${arr[0]}.log

##### Add gene name to the sample name

sed "s/>barcodelabel=/>barcodelabel=${arr[0]}_/g" ${arr[0]}reads/filtered.${arr[0]}.fasta > ${arr[0]}reads/filtered.${arr[0]}.renamed.fasta

##### From the reads which had the target gene primer, take the 16S region using the 16s primer 519F used in nested PCR (CAGCMGCCGCGGTAATWC) (-g option)
cutadapt ${arr[0]}reads/filtered.${arr[0]}.renamed.fasta \
-g CAGCMGCCGCGGTAATWC -o ${arr[0]}reads/filtered.${arr[0]}.16spart.fasta \
--trimmed-only -O 15  &>> ${arr[0]}reads/filtered.${arr[0]}.log

##### Take the target gene region using the linker primer R1-F2' 's target gene region
cutadapt ${arr[0]}reads/filtered.${arr[0]}.renamed.fasta \
-a ${arr[2]} -o ${arr[0]}reads/filtered.${arr[0]}.${arr[0]}part.fasta \
 --trimmed-only -O 15 &>> ${arr[0]}reads/filtered.${arr[0]}.log  
 done < map.txt

OTU clustering and making OTU tables using VSEARCH

OTU clustering is optional. You can also only dereplicate the sequences and remove chimeras and classify all unique non-chimeric reads.

### Combine reads
cat *reads/filtered.*.16spart.fasta > all.filtered.16Sparts.fasta

### Dereplicate and discard singletons
vsearch --derep_fulllength all.filtered.16Sparts.fasta  --output all.unique.fasta --minuniquesize 2 --sizeout &> derep_out

### Remove chimeras

vsearch --uchime_denovo all.unique.fasta --nonchimeras 16S_nochimeras.fasta --uchimeout 16S_uchime.out

### Make OTUs using vsearch's --cluster_fast
vsearch --cluster_fast 16S_nochimeras.fasta --id $OTU_TRH --centroids 16S_OTUs.fasta --relabel OTU --uc 16Sclusters.uc &> clustering_out

### Map reads back to OTUs and produce OTU table
vsearch --usearch_global all.filtered.16Sparts.fasta  --db 16S_OTUs.fasta --strand plus --id $OTU_TRH --uc 16S_OTUtab.uc --otutabout 16S_OTUs.txt &> mapping_out

Classifying OTUs using mothur

mothur "#classify.seqs(fasta=16S_OTUs.fasta, reference=$SILVA_ALN,taxonomy=$SILVA_TAX, cutoff=60, processors=1, probs=F)"

#### Modify taxonomy table file
sed 's/;/\t/gi' 16S_OTUs.nr_v132.wang.taxonomy > 16S.tax


Check the resistance gene against a database for example by blast

Download resfinder and run blast

blastn -subject /wrk/parnanen/DONOTREMOVE/ARG_MGEdatabases/resfinder_FINAL.fa -query filtered.blaOXA.blaOXApart.fasta -outfmt 6 -out blaOXA_blast.out -max_target_seqs 1

blastn -subject /wrk/parnanen/DONOTREMOVE/ARG_MGEdatabases/resfinder_FINAL.fa -query filtered.tetM.tetMpart.fasta -outfmt 6 -out tetM_blast.out -max_target_seqs 1

blastn -subject /wrk/parnanen/DONOTREMOVE/ARG_MGEdatabases/MGEs_FINAL.fa -query filtered.intI.intIpart.fasta -outfmt 6 -out intI_blast.out -max_target_seqs 1