Distributed OCR Capstone project The code is split into what made sense to me. In the master/jar-code, the shell script in there shows the commands used to make the SendCombine.jar Here are the addresses of our machines that are currently running: master: ec2-50-16-136-236.compute-1.amazonaws.com dobby1: ec2-50-17-24-49.compute-1.amazonaws.com dobby2: ec2-23-23-6-173.compute-1.amazonaws.com Here is the tree structure of our project: client │ └── ClientTest.java ├── README └── server ├── master │ ├── cgi-bin │ │ ├── IDT.jar │ │ ├── SendCombine.jar │ │ ├── Split.jar │ │ └── upload.py │ ├── html │ │ └── index2.html │ └── jar-code │ ├── ImageConstructor.java │ ├── makeSendCombine.sh │ ├── manifest_sendcombine.txt │ ├── manifest_split.txt │ ├── SendAll.java │ ├── Split.java │ └── TesseractInfo.java └── slave ├── cgi-bin │ └── upload.py └── html └── index.html 9 directories, 16 files