Adafruit MAX31885 Thermocouple Amp breakout

These are the Eagle CAD files for the Adafruit MAX31885 Thermocouple Amp breakout:

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Thermocouples are very sensitive, requiring a good amplifier with a cold-compensation reference. The MAX31855K does everything for you, and can be easily interfaced with any microcontroller, even one without an analog input. This breakout board has the chip itself, a 3.3V regulator with 10uF bypass capacitors and level shifting circuitry, all assembled and tested. Comes with a 2 pin terminal block (for connecting to the thermocouple) and pin header (to plug into any breadboard or perfboard). Goes great with our 1m K-type thermocouple. 

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Designed by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike, all text above must be included in any redistribution