
A Slackbot that polls your Stash server and post your pull-request haikus to a slack channel!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Haikubot for Slack

Build Status


To increase your team's productivity, I highly recommend having a requirement that every pull-request is accompanied by a haiku that describes the PR or your mood when developing the PR.

This bot takes all your pull-request haikus that might be spread over several repositories and posts them to your team's slack! So everyone can enjoy your PR haikus.

PS: Failure to supply an adequate haiku (not 5-7-5 syllables, a lot of filler words, etc.) should result in cake punishment (getting a cake/snack for the entire team).


Haikus are posted directly to the channel configured, but there are also some commands that can be used at any time. All commands are triggered by @botname (as configured).

  • show [haiku ID], example: @botname show #3

    This will post a single haiku by that ID.

  • show from [optional amount] [name], example: @botname show from Danny or @botname show from 5 Danny

    This will post all haikus from that user up to the given amount, the default amount is 3.

  • show last

    Posts the newest haiku.

  • stats top [optional amount], example: @botname stats top

    Posts how many haikus each contributor has posted, default is every user. Limit to e.g. top 3 with @botname stats top 3

  • export, example: @botname export [optional name]

    Will post a snippet of all haikus in plaintext, use with @botname export Danny to export only haikus by single contributor.

Consult commands.py for full list of commands.


Running locally

For running with local storage

  • python 3.5
  • virtualenv

If using a remote postgres DB

  • libpq-dev
  • python3-dev

Running with Docker

  • Docker, preferably with docker-compose


  1. Activate your virtualenv: source venv/bin/activate
  2. Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Set sequired environment variables: HAIKUBOT_API_KEY
    • If using a remote DB also set HAIKUBOT_DB_PW
  4. Make changes to config.py, the most important fields are in the first section.
  5. Run the bot with python bin/run_haikubot.py

Running with Docker (and docker-compose)

  1. Set sequired environment variables: HAIKUBOT_API_KEY
    • If using a remote DB also set HAIKUBOT_DB_PW
  2. docker-compose build
  3. docker-compose up -d

Running tests

  1. Make sure you did step 1 and 2 in under the "Running" section.
  2. Run with coverage: py.test --cov=./bot --cov-report term-missing


  • Add rating functionality. E.g: "@haikubot rate #69 80 points". Rating is stored and you can pull up best haikus. E.g: "@haikubot top 3 weekly"

Fork it!

Feel free to play around with it! If you're not using Stash you can easily change it to poll any VCS that has a REST-API, of course this will require changing the parsing of the JSON a bit.

Feel free to submit pull requests! This bot has been a fun learning experince so the code is a bit messy.