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Benchmarking Graph Neural Networks for node classification

Note: This repository modified from graphdeeplearning/benchmarking-gnns. We refactor the code using the pyg framework and add the planetoid and ogb datasets to make the node classification.

1. Benchmark installation

  1. Setup Python environment for GPU
git clone https://https://github.com/karl-zhao/benchmarking-gnns-pyg.git
cd benchmarking-gnns-pyg
# Install python environment
conda env create -f environment_gpu.yml 
# Activate environment
conda activate pytorch1.5.0

2. Download datasets

All the datasets can be downloaded automatically except SBMs. For the SBMs, run the data/SBMs/generate_SBM_CLUSTER.ipynb and data/SBMs/generate_SBM_PATTERN.ipynb first to generate the dataset.

3. Reproducibility

3.1 in terminal
# Run the main file (at the root of the project)
python main_arxiv_node_classification.py --dataset ogbn-arxiv --gpu_id 0 --seed 41 --config configs/arxiv_node_classification_GAT_pyg_90k.json # for GPU

It will first download the datasets and then train the model.

The training and network parameters for each dataset and network is stored in a json file in the configs/ directory.

3.2 run the scripts

Run the script,you can see the scripts for detail.

# Run the scripts (at the root of the project)
bash scripts/ogbs/script_main_node_classification_arxivs_100k.sh # for GPU

If want to use the node2vec embedding, first run the main function to download the datasets. Then run node2vec_***.py for create the embeddings.

3.3 Output, checkpoints and visualizations

Output results are located in the folder defined by the variable out_dir in the corresponding config file (eg. configs/arxiv_node_classification_GAT_pyg_90k.json file). ourdir also can change using --out_dir

3.4 To see checkpoints and results
  1. Go toout/ogb_node_classification/results to view all result text files.
  2. Directory out/ogb_node_classification/checkpoints contains model checkpoints.
3.5 To see the training logs in Tensorboard on local machine
  1. Go to the logs directory, i.e. out/molecules_graph_regression/logs/.
  2. Run the commands
source activate benchmark_gnn
tensorboard --logdir='./' --port 6006
  1. Open http://localhost:6006 in your browser. Note that the port information (here 6006 but it may change) appears on the terminal immediately after starting tensorboard.
3.6 To see the training logs in Tensorboard on remote machine
  1. Go to the logs directory, i.e. out/molecules_graph_regression/logs/.
  2. Run the script with bash script_tensorboard.sh.
  3. On your local machine, run the command ssh -N -f -L localhost:6006:localhost:6006 user@xx.xx.xx.xx.
  4. Open http://localhost:6006 in your browser. Note that user@xx.xx.xx.xx corresponds to your user login and the IP of the remote machine.


      title={A pipeline for fair comparison of graph neural networks in node classification tasks}, 
      author={Wentao Zhao and Dalin Zhou and Xinguo Qiu and Wei Jiang},