
CAN DBC file for the Dilithium Power Systems Photon 3 MPPT

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Dilithium Power Systems: Photon 3 CAN DBC

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CAN DBC file for the Dilithium Power Systems Photon 3 MPPT.

Note: This assumes that your MPPT is sending CAN messages for each channel on 0x600 and 0x601. If your MPPT is using different CAN IDs, change the ID to match. Kvaser Database Editor is a pretty good option for a free DBC GUI editor.


These instructions use eerimoq/cantools over SocketCAN to decode messages with the DBC. If you're using PCAN-Explorer or something similar, feel free to ignore those steps/requirements and directly import the DBC.

# Ensure that can-utils is installed
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install can-utils

# Start the slcand userspace daemon and create slcan0 interface
# We assume 500 kbps bitrate, see (https://elinux.org/Bringing_CAN_interface_up)
sudo slcand -o -c -s6 /dev/ttyUSB0 slcan0

# Bring up the SocketCAN interface
sudo ifconfig slcan0 up

# Install cantools (either in a virtualenv or something).
pip install cantools


# View the DBC file
cantools dump dbc/photon-3.dbc

# Decode CAN messages with the DBC
candump slcan0 | cantools decode --single-line dbc/photon-3.dbc