
CAN DBC file for an ELCON UHF charger

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CAN DBC file for an ELCON UHF charger


These instructions use eerimoq/cantools over SocketCAN to decode messages with the DBC. If you're using PCAN-Explorer or something similar, feel free to ignore those steps/requirements and directly import the DBC.

# Ensure that can-utils is installed
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install can-utils

# Start the slcand userspace daemon and create slcan0 interface
# We assume 500 kbps bitrate, see (https://elinux.org/Bringing_CAN_interface_up)
sudo slcand -o -c -s6 /dev/ttyUSB0 slcan0

# Bring up the SocketCAN interface
sudo ifconfig slcan0 up

# Install cantools (either in a virtualenv or something).
pip install cantools


# View the DBC file
cantools dump dbc/elcon.dbc

# Decode CAN messages with the DBC
candump slcan0 | cantools decode --single-line dbc/elcon.dbc