
Pokedex – Animated and interactive Pokedex from the Pokemon series

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mini Pokedex


Mini Pokedex is an interactive real life version of the famous little gadget known as the Pokedex from Nintendo's 'Pokemon' video game series. Visually designed to mimic the original Pokedex from the 1997 television series, explore information about your favorite Pokemon and watch them come to life through animated images on screen.


Technologies Used

  • Database – Postgres
  • Libraries – React, Redux
  • Server Environment – Ruby on Rails

Feature Spotlight

Animated Pokemon

To create a more in depth application, animated gifs of the seeded Pokemon are displayed instead of plain static images.

Thematic Visual Styling

Mimicking the original depiction of the Pokedex in the 1997 television series, the entire user interface is styled using HTML and CSS to give the user a feeling of full immersion into the world of Pokemon. Glare effects on the display screens are also another interesting detail that adds more of a three dimensional effect.