
Nyfiken monitors any homepage and notifies when it's been updated.

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Nyfiken means curious in Swedish. Nyfikend is a daemon which will periodically check for updates on a list of URLs and send a notification to the user when it happens. Nyfiken is client which interacts with the daemon.


$ go install github.com/karlek/nyfiken/cmd/nyfikend
$ go install github.com/karlek/nyfiken/cmd/nyfiken
$ mkdir ~/.config/nyfiken  
$ mv $GOPATH/src/github.com/karlek/nyfiken/config.ini $GOPATH/src/github.com/karlek/nyfiken/pages.ini ~/.config/nyfiken


Warning: there exists some known security plausible scenarios.

If an attacker can modify a nyfiken pages file; nyfiken can be used to:

- Perform all web-based attacks based on HTTP requests.
- Scan the network for web-servers or routers and, via site-specific mail-setting, gain access to the information.


Nyfiken is a client which access the updated information from nyfikend. It can be used to force the program to check all pages again, clear all logged updates and to open them in a browser.

Nyfiken communicates on port 5239 by default.

Nyfikenc Usage

$ nyfiken
Sorry, no updates :(
$ nyfiken -f
Pages will be checked immediately by your demand.
$ nyfiken
$ nyfiken -r
Opening all updates with: /usr/bin/browser
$ nyfiken -c
Updates list has been cleared!

API documentation


Public domain

I hereby release this code into the public domain.