
A collection of useful ESLint tricks

ESLint Tricks

A collection of useful ESLint tricks

React: Enforce Specific Children Component Types

To enforce the component type of all children in a specific component, use the no-restricted-syntax built-in rule:


import tseslint from 'typescript-eslint';

export default tseslint.config({
  rules: {
    'no-restricted-syntax': [
          "JSXElement[openingElement.name.name='List'] JSXElement:not([openingElement.name.name='ListItem'])",
          'The List component must contain only <ListItem /> elements as children',

Examples of incorrect code for this rule config:

  <div />
  <ListItem />

Examples of correct code for this rule config:

  <ListItem />
  <ListItem />

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React: Enforce Specific Children Component Types and Order

To enforce both the component type and order of children in a specific component, use the no-restricted-syntax built-in rule and reference the index of the children by odd numbers starting at 1 (1 is first child, 3 is second child, 5 is third child, etc):


import tseslint from 'typescript-eslint';

export default tseslint.config({
  rules: {
    'no-restricted-syntax': [
          "JSXElement[openingElement.name.name='TwoColumnLayout']:not([children.1.openingElement.name.name='Meta']), JSXElement[openingElement.name.name='TwoColumnLayout']:not([children.3.openingElement.name.name='main']), JSXElement[openingElement.name.name='TwoColumnLayout']:not([children.5.openingElement.name.name='aside'])",
          'The TwoColumLayout component must contain only <Meta />, <main> and <aside> elements as children, in exactly this order',

Examples of incorrect code for this rule config:



  <main />
  <aside />

Examples of correct code for this rule config:

  <Meta />
  <main />
  <aside />

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