
Titan Project

Primary LanguageC++Eclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


TTCN-3 is a standardized, modular language specifically designed for testing. Eclipse Titan offers a free and open source (FOSS) compiler both for TTCN-3 and for ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One).

Standards page (also including downloadable code):

Main project page:

##Introductory video of a presentation about Titan held at EclipseCon 2014:

##Titan Datasheet on polarsys.org: http://polarsys.org/sites/default/files/custom_uploads/TITAN%20Datasheet%20A4%202.1.pdf

Ericsson TTCN-3 Course, Presentation material


Ericsson TTCN-3 Course, Presentation material, part II (Titan specifics)


##Binaries and SHA512 checksums for a number of Linux platforms can be downloaded from:

Related products:

##Eclipse IDE plug-ins (Designer, Executor, LogViewer, Titanium):

Source code:

Compressed update site and SHA512 checksum:

Test Ports:

Protocol Modules:
