
Demo GO based REST service with MS Azure AD integration for JWT Token verification

Primary LanguageGo


This is a demonstration web (REST) service showing the methods used to integrate and verify JWT tokens into the service calls. Microsoft Azure Active Directory is used as the token idp, hence the validation logic is specific to the Microsoft implementation for now.

NOTE: This service is compliant with IETF RFC6750 and utilizes the Bearer authorization scheme

The service will extract the JWT authorization token from the request header and verify the signature against the appropriate microsoft certificates as well as verifying the token's aud value against the configured MS Azure app key


  • A registered Microsoft Azure Active Directory application key.
  • the app key must be stored in an environment variable, AZURE_APP_KEY
    $ export AZURE_APP_KEY=<app key here>

NOTE: This project utilizes the go modules dependency management system.


Build for local execution

Using Make:

    $ make

Using Go Build:

    $ go build -o ./dist/DemoJWTService service.go

This will build the application to run as a local executable, once built navigate to the dist directory and execute the WorkspaceService executable

    $ cd dist
    $ ./DemoJWTService

Service will be available at http://localhost:30200/...

Build for Docker

Using Make:

    $ make docker TAG=<version>

Using Command Line:

    $ docker build -t $karlmoad/demo-jwt-service:<version> .