
The Unofficial PHP Sendy API Wrapper

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


The Unofficial PHP Sendy API Wrapper (http://sendy.co)


  • Place Scribe.php into your file structure
  • Include or require Scribe in the location you would like to utilize it


Create an instance of the class while passing in an array including your Instance URL, API Key, and the List ID you wish to work with.

  $config = array(
      'instance' => 'http://example.com/sendy',  //Your Sendy installation
      'api_key' => 'your_api_key', //your API key is available in Settings
      'list_id' => 'your_list_id'

  $scribe = new Scribe($config);

  //you can change the list_id you are referring to at any point

#Methods After creating a new instance of Scribe call any of the methods below

##Return Values The return value of any of these functions will include both a status, and a message to go with that status.

The status is a string value of success or error and the message will vary based on the type of action being performed.

  //example of a succesful return value
    'status' => 'success',
    'message' => 'Subscribed'

  //example of an unsuccesful return value
    'status' => 'error',
    'message' => 'Already subscribed'

##subscribe(array $values)

This method takes an array of $values and will attempt to add the $values into the list specified in $list_id

  $results = $scribe->subscribe(array(
            'name' => 'John Doe',
            'email' => 'jdoe@example.com', //this is the only field required by sendy
            'birthday' => '01/01/1990'

PS: Be sure to add any custom fields to the list in Sendy before utilizing them inside this library. PPS: If a user is already subscribed to the list, the library will return a status of true.


Unsubscribes the provided e-mail address (if it exists) from the current list.

  $results = $scribe->unsubscribe('jdoe@example.com');


Returns the status of the user with the provided e-mail address (if it exists) in the current list.

  $results = $scribe->subscriptionStatus('jdoe@example.com');

PS: refer to http://sendy.co/api for the types of return messages you can expect.


Returns the number of subscribers to the current list.

  $results = $scribe->activeSubscriberCount();

##setListId($list_id) and getListId()

Change or get the list you are currently working with.

  //set or switch the list id

  //get the current list id
  echo $scribe->getListId();