
A practical example about how to build an Async Http Api pattern using Python and Azure Durable Functions

Primary LanguagePython

Building an Async HTTP Api with Azure Durable functions and Python

The async HTTP API pattern addresses the problem of coordinating the state of long-running operations with external clients.

A common way to implement this pattern is by having an HTTP endpoint trigger the long-running action. Then, redirect the client to a status endpoint that the client polls to learn when the operation is finished.

Azure Durable Functions provides built-in support for this pattern.


Repository content

It contains an example about how to implement an async Http Api using Azure Durable functions and Python.

Here's a diagram that shows the dependencies between the different Azure Functions that you can find in this repository.


  • client-function: submits the job that needs to be executed.
  • get-status-function: it is used to retrieve the status and the result of the submitted job.
  • orchestrator-function: Unwraps the parameters from the submitted job and calls the activity function.
  • query-storage-account-activity-function: Runs a custom query in an Azure Storage Table.
    The Azure Storage Table connection string is stored in an Azure App Configuration.