How to integrate your Roslyn Analyzers with Sonarqube

This repository is tied to the post How to integrate your Roslyn Analyzer with SonarQube from my blog site.

It contains:

  • The /MyRoslynAnalyzer folder contains a Roslyn Analyzer project with a single rule.
    • This project gets packaged and published to using a Github action found on the .github folder.
  • The /Demo.WebApi folder contains a .NET 7 API
    • This API has installed the MyRoslynAnalyzer NuGet package.
  • The /integrations/as-a-sonarqube-folder folder contains SonarQube plugin and a Dockerfile that creates a SonarQube image with the plugin installed on it.
    • The myroslynanalyzer-plugin-1.0.0.jar is a SonarQube plugin and it is the result of converting the MyRoslynAnalyzer NuGet package into a SonarQube plugin using the RoslynSonarQubePluginGenerator tool.