How to notify AWS Events to Microsoft Teams using AWS EventBridge and AWS Lambda


An AWS event indicates a change in an environment, a SaaS partner service or application, or one of your applications or services. The following are examples of AWS events:

  • Amazon EC2 generates an event when the state of an instance changes from pending to running.
  • Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling generates events when it launches or terminates instances.
  • AWS EC2 generates events when you push a new image into an ECR Repository.

Here's the full list of AWS services that generate events:

Events are represented as JSON objects and they all have a similar structure.

This repository has an AWS CDK app that contains a couple of examples of how to notify those AWS events to a Microsoft Teams channel using AWS EventBridge and AWS Lambda.


The setup to notify an AWS Event to Microsoft Teams is really simple:


  • An AWS EventBridge Rule listens for a specific set of AWS events and executes a Lambda function when any of those concrete events occurs.
  • The Lambda function sends the event to a Microsoft Teams Channel using an incoming HTTP WebHook.

CDK App Resources

The CDK app creates 2 EventBridge Rules and 2 Lambda functions:

  • The first rule notifies when a new container image or tag gets pushed into ECR and a lambda function post this event to Teams.
  • The second rule notifies when an S3 Bucket is created or deleted and another lambda function post those events to Teams.

How to deploy the CDK app

  1. Create an "Incoming Webhook" on one of your Microsoft Teams Channels.


  1. Deploy the CDK app.

To deploy it, use the command:

  • cdk deploy --profile <profile> --parameters teamsWebHookUri=<incoming-teams-webhook-uri>

Or the command:

  • cdk deploy --parameters teamsWebHookUri=<incoming-teams-webhook-uri>

The CDK app uses the CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT and CDK_DEFAULT_REGION environment variables to specify the account and the region where the infrastructure will be created.

If you hard-code the target account and region on your CDK app, the stack will always be deployed to that specific account and region.
To make the stack deployable to a different target, but to determine the target at synthesis time, your stack can use two environment variables provided by the AWS CDK CLI: CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT and CDK_DEFAULT_REGION. These variables are set based on the AWS profile specified using the --profile option, or the default AWS profile if you don't specify one.

Here's an example of how to deploy the app:

  • cdk deploy --parameters teamsWebHookUri= 2/a1d89e88-1b21-4da6-a2b1-dfb848d8b956

How to test it

  • Create an S3 bucket, and take a look at your Teams Channel.


  • Delete an S3 bucket, and take a look at your Teams Channel.


  • Push a new image into an ECR repository, and take a look at your Teams Channel.
