A message broker in go. A toy project.
- using closures instead of mutexes
- trying to make the broker interface as simple as a client just providing an io.Reader and an io.Writer (not there just yet) which means you can add the broker atop any valid implementation - not just a tcp server like in this repo.
- figuring out if the store can be a interface
The message protocol is ping|<op>;<queue>;[<text>]
# run server
$ go run main.go
# run client
$ nc localhost 12001
pub;cats;bixa is a kitty
bixa is a kitty
ping # extends the timeout
$ go test ./pkg/broker/... [-race -bench=. -cover]
- pub
- sub
- create queues on the fly
- persistance and ack
- msg max len
- less messy msg protocol
- handle empty msg text
- concurrent delivery to subscriber
- avoid sub dupes
- add server component
- add brokerConf
- replace net.Conn with io.Writer
- add benchmark for
- try reading [1]byte to check connection before write - requires a io.ReadWriter
- store refs to subscribed queues to make the blocking op to remove subscriber faster
- add ping
- detach server component from broker
- change broker interface to a client with an io.Reader and an io.Writer