
Smart Contract (solidity) Analyzer using Docker, Go and Slither

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Smart Contract Analyzer using Docker, Go, Slither and the Solidity Compiler.

Docker image

Docker Hub https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/karlpothast/soliditycodereviews

docker pull karlpothast/soliditycodereviews:latest


2. Upload a solidity file (.sol file)

For this example, I copied the solidity contract code directly from the Etherscan page for the Parity Multi-Sig Wallet app that was hacked in November of 2017. I placed it into a .sol file that I've included in this repository for others to use. You can download the sample solidity file here.


3. Slither Scan Results

The solidity compiler (solc) will change dynamically based on the file being analyzed

As you can see below the Parity Wallet code analysis did not fare too well. 90 total issues were found although many were informational or recommendations.