
Summary of work from the DoE's USTR Gas Turbine Industrial Fellowship Program @SwRI


Summary of work from the DoE's USTR Gas Turbine Industrial Fellowship Program @SwRI

View past fellows and their work at https://www2.swri.org/www2/utsr/pastfellows.html


The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy manages the Advanced Turbine Program, which strives to improve U.S. gas turbine technology for coal-based power plant applications with carbon capture and storage.

One of the key elements of the Advanced Turbine Program is the University Turbine System Research (UTSR) Program. UTSR offers a Gas Turbine Industrial Fellowship (GTIF) program to recruit qualified university research students. This fellowship brings highly trained student researchers from the university to industrial gas turbine design and manufacturing environments.

Read more: https://www.swri.org/utsr

Read my paper: https://www2.swri.org/www2/utsr/reports/roush-report.pdf

Read my presentation: https://www2.swri.org/www2/utsr/presentations/roush-presentation.pdf

Hybrid UAV

The purpose of this project was to examine the viability of a variable cycle engine within a given ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) mission profile. Essentially, the system includes a ducted fan allowing for optimum design of the propulsion system aerodynamics without sacrificing the aero performance of the compact fuel-to-electric system.

Laser PIV system

The goal of this project is to repurpose the Quantel Qsmart Twins laser for use in a particle image velocimetry (PIV) system. This resulted in designing and building the system for <10% of quoted industry cost for later use in low speed turbulence testing.

Drag Test Rig

The goal of this project was to rebuild the drag test rig and collect data from of a new set of samples. This resulted in streamlined data collection of drag testing (65% time reduction).

Titan T62-32 Generator Instrumentation

The goal of this project was to instrument the Titan T62 and run it with an attached generator

NPSS Unit Conversion

The goal of this project was to take an example of one of the Common Development Models and convert it to allow for SI unit input/output. This resulted in the standardization of NPSS unit conversions for international use.