
A GP-GPU/CPU Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) implementation for the analysis of Multivariate Time Series (MTS).

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Multivariate Time Series Software (MTSS)

A GP-GPU/CPU Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) implementation for the analysis of Multivariate Time Series (MTS).

What MTSS is?

MTSS is a GPU/CPU software designed for the classification and the subsequence similarity search of MTS. Originally inspired by [1], MTSS aims to improve the time performance and accuracy for classifying and sub-searching any kind of MTS by using the well known similarity measure: Dynamic Time Warping (DTW).

MTSS presents a GP-GPU implementation which improves speed-up and accuracy of the the above citated tasks when compared to single-threaded CPU implementation. It's important to stress out that the software's speed=-up performace gets better when the variables ruling the speed complexity of those two tasks drastically increase.

The software allow to uses three different types of DTW, namely:

  1. D-MDTW: Dependent-Multivariate Dynamic Time Warping
  2. I-MDTW: Independent-Multivariate Dynamic Time Warping
  3. R-MDTW: Rotation-Multivariate Dynamic Time Warping

For more information, please refer to [1-2].


The software is purely written in CUDA, using the C language as support. In order to use it you must have installed:

  1. A working gcc compiler.

  2. A CUDA version 5.0 or greater. For installing, please refer to the official CUDA documention.


Runn the following command to clone the master repository into a target directory:

git clone https://github.com/DavideNardone/MTSS-Multivariate-Time-Series-Sofwtare.git <target>


Once you are in the main folder, you must compile the MD_DTW.cu and module.cu files as illustrated below:

nvcc [options] [source files] -o output file> (e.g., nvcc -arch=sm_30 -D WS=<time_length> MD_DTW.cu module.cu -o mdtwObj)

where -D option is necessary to define a static variable (representing the time's length of the MTS) which is used to store the MTS's query into the local memory of each CUDA block.

NOTE: The implementation presented here assumes that each compared MTS has the same time length.


The software can be used as a standard command line tool with a list of options that are explained as follows.

As we said before, MTSS allows you to perform two tasks:

  1. Classification

The Classification task aims to predict group membership for MTS instances belonging to set of data. Supposing we have already split the initial data set into train and test set, in order to predict/assign the labels for the test test, the i-th MTS of the test set is compared against all the MTS belonging to the train set and, the predicted label for it will be the one for which the comparison against all the MTS in the train set is minimum. As mentioned above, we can provide three different type of similarity measure for comparing two MTS.

  1. Similarity subseq-search

The Similarity subseq-search aims to find the best match for a time series (known as the query) onto another time series (known as instance). It's achieved by punctually shifting the instance time series on the query one and comparing it by using a similarity distance such as DTW (See figure below).

alt text

Each of the two tasks can be perfomed on GPU as well as on CPU.

The program can run with the following flag options:

  • -t: It's used to decide which task you want to perform (e.g., CLASSIFICATION, SUBSEQ_SEARCH)

  • -i: It represents the input parameters, where:

    • The version you want to use: CPU or GPU;
    • The number of dimension for the MTS;
    • The third/fourth parameter (depending on the first parameter) represents the #thread for each block (GPU) and/or the read mode.

    NOTE: For more information about the read mode, please refer to the section Data Format.

  • -f: It's used to specify the file path of the data (refer to the section Data Format).

  • -k (optional): In the CLASSIFICATION task, it's possible to perform k-fold cross validation, specifying then the number of folders and a flag for performing the shuffling among the folders generated.
    NB: Setting the flag to 1 does not allow the reproducibility of the results on the same dataset among the GPU and CPU versions.

  • -o: Depending on the task and read mode, the followig parameters represents

    1. CLASSIFICATION (read-mode=0 oppure 1):
    • The number of MTS samples;

    • The length of each MTS sample (same size for each dimension);

      NOTE: For this combination it's necessary the -k flag.

    1. CLASSIFICATION (read-mode=2):
    • The number of MTS sample in the TRAINING SET;
    • The number of MTS sample in the TESTING SET;
    • The MTS length (same size for each dimension).
    1. SUBSEQ_SEARCH (read-mode=0 oppure 1):
    • The MTS length (same size for each dimension);
    • The MTS query's length to search for.
  • -m: It's used to specify the type of MDTW to use:

    • 0: Dependent similarity measure;
    • 1: Independent similarity measure;
    • 2: Rotation similarity measure (It suites only for the CLASSIFICATION task)
    • <similarity distance>: ED or DTW.
  • -d: It specify the GPU's ID you want to use (e.g. 0: GeForce GTX TITAN X).

  • --help: It quickly explain how to use MTSS software.

  • --version: It's show the info version about the sofware.

Data format

MTSS works only with txt file format. Depending on the type of task to perform, the data file must be adequayely formatted.


For this task, MTSS provides three different types of reading mode:

  1. read-mode=0: It's possible to feed MTSS with two files, (DATA, LABEL). The DATA file must be formatted as a TD* data matrix, where each row must represents the t-th features values of the MTS at the time instant d-th (in this case, the MTS are appended in the file), while the LABEL file just contains the integer class label. (A template file is placed in data/classification/rm_0

  2. read-mode=1: It's possible to feed MTSS with N files, where each of them is formatted as a NT* data matrix, where each of rows must contain in the first position the integer class label and then the T-1 values of the MTS. (A template file is placed in data/classification/rm_1).

  3. read-mode=2: It's possible to feed MTSS with a TRAINING SET and a TESTING SET file. Both the file must be formatted as D*T data matrix, where each d-th row must contain the MTS values. (Also in this case, the MTS are appended in the file). (A template file is placed in data/classification/rm_2).


For this task, MTSS takes in input two files (T_SERIES, Q_SERIES). The T_SERIES represents the Time Series on which the Q_SERIES has to be searched. Both the files must be formatted as DT* data matrix where each column must contain the dimensional values of the T_SERIES at each time instant t and viceversa (depending on the read-mode (0|1)). (A template file is placed in data/subseq_search/.

NOTE: The MTSS presented here assume that all the MTS have the same time length.


The example data set [3] (differently formatted) and all the information about it can be retrieved from the following source: https://sites.google.com/site/dtwadaptive/hom


Some examples follow:



nvcc -arch=sm_30 -D WS=152 MD_DTW.cu module.cu -o mdtwObj



./mdtwObj -t CLASSIFICATION -i CPU 3 1 -f data/classification/rm_1/X_MAT data/classification/rm_1/Y_MAT data/classification/rm_1/Z_MAT -k 10 0 -o 1000 152 -m 0 DTW -v 0

./mdtwObj -t CLASSIFICATION -i CPU 3 2 -f data/classification/rm_2/TRAIN data/classification/rm_2/TEST -o 500 1000 152 -m 0 DTW -v 0


./mdtwObj -t CLASSIFICATION -i GPU 3 512 0 -f data/classification/rm_0/DATA data/classification/rm_0/LABEL -k 10 0 -o 1000 152 -m 0 DTW -d 0 -v 0

./mdtwObj -t CLASSIFICATION -i GPU 3 512 1 -f data/classification/rm_1/X_MAT data/classification/rm_1/Y_MAT data/classification/rm_1/Z_MAT -k 10 0 -o 1000 152 -m 0 DTW -d 0 -v 0

./mdtwObj -t CLASSIFICATION -i GPU 3 512 2 -f data/classification/rm_2/TRAIN data/classification/rm_2/TEST -o 150 850 152 -k 10 0 -m 0 DTW -d 0 -v 0



nvcc -arch=sm_30 -D WS=421 MD_DTW.cu module.cu -o mdtwObj



./mdtwObj -t SUBSEQ_SEARCH -i CPU 3 0 -f data/subseq_search/T_series data/subseq_search/Q_series -o 3907 421 -m 1 DTW -v 0


./mdtwObj -t SUBSEQ_SEARCH -i GPU 3 512 0 -f data/subseq_search/T_series data/subseq_search/Q_series -o 3907 421 -m 1 DTW -d 0 -v 0


Davide Nardone, University of Naples Parthenope, Science and Techonlogies Departement, Msc Applied Computer Science https://www.linkedin.com/in/davide-nardone-127428102/


For any kind of problem, questions, ideas or suggestions, please don't esitate to contact me at:


[1] Sart, Doruk, et al. "Accelerating dynamic time warping subsequence search with GPUs and FPGAs." Data Mining (ICDM), 2010 IEEE 10th International Conference on. IEEE, 2010. APA

[2] Shokoohi-Yekta, Mohammad, Jun Wang, and Eamonn Keogh. "On the non-trivial generalization of dynamic time warping to the multi-dimensional case." Proceedings of the 2015 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2015.

[3] Shokoohi-Yekta, M., Hu, B., Jin, H. et al. Data Min Knowl Disc (2017) 31: 1. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-016-0455-0




The following software is under review for the The Journal of Open Source Software.