
Framework for Image Processing on the GPU

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Gpuip is a C++ cross-platform framework for Image Processing on the GPU architechure. It tries to simplify the image processing pipeline on the GPU and make it more generic across the thre most common environments: OpenCL, CUDA and OpenGL GLSL. It provides a simple interface to copy data from and to the GPU and makes it easy to compile and run GPU kernel code.


The online API documentation [can be found here.] (http://karlssonper.github.io/gpuip/api/)


The gpuip library comes with optional python bindings to the C++ code. The python bindings have I/O operations included with .exr and .png support (and .jpeg, .tiff and .tga if dev libraries are found at build time). Numpy arrays are used to tranfser data to/from the GPU.


If python bindings are available, gpuip comes with an executable program that has both a GUI version for debugging and development of GPU kernels and a command line version to plug into existing pipelines. The progam uses the gpuip specific XML-based file format *.ip to store settings.

usage: Framework for Image Processing on the GPU [-h] [-f FILE]
                                                 [-p kernel param value]
                                                 [-i buffer path]
                                                 [-o buffer path] [-v]
                                                 [--timestamp] [--nogui]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Image Processing file *.ip
  -p kernel param value, --param kernel param value
                        Change value of a parameter.
  -i buffer path, --inbuffer buffer path
                        Set input image to a buffer
  -o buffer path, --outbuffer buffer path
                        Set output image to a buffer
  -v, --verbose         Outputs information
  --timestamp           Add timestamp in log output
  --nogui               Command line version




There are two bash scripts provided, build.sh and install.sh. If you want to generate your own Makefiles, use CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install


There are two batch scripts provided, build.bat and install.bat. If you want to generate your own Visual Studio Solution, use CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release

If you have admin rights, you can add --target INSTALL to the last command to install files

CMake options

BUILD_THIRD_PARTY_LIBS     // Build and link missing third party libraries
BUILD_SHARED_LIB           // Make gpuip a shared library
BUILD_WITH_OPENCL          // Support OpenCL (if found)
BUILD_WITH_CUDA            // Support CUDA (if found)
BUILD_WITH_GLSL            // Support GLSL (if found)
BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS      // Build Python bindings
BUILD_TESTS                // Build unit tests
BUILD_DOCS                 // Generate Doxygen documenation
DOWNLOAD_EXAMPLES_IMAGES   // Download  examples input images

Third party libraries

If the CMake option BUILD_THIRD_PARTY_LIBS is set to ON, the build will download the source code from the missing libraries and compile. This does not apply for the core libs OpenCL, CUDA and OpenGL since they are not open source. Although supported, it is not recommended to download and build boost from the git repo as it takes a long time to clone the submodules.

Following CMake variables can be set to help CMake find the third party libraries:



The following examples are included the examples directory (can be run with bin/gpuip):

- linear interpolation
- box blur
- gaussian blur
- separable gaussian blur


To run all tests, run ctest from the build directory.

test_cpp          // Test C++ api
test_py           // Test Python bindings
test_performance  // Tests the performance, compare against CPU