
Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Doordeck React Native SDK



$ sudo gem install cocoapods

Getting started

  1. Install via npm

    $ npm install @doordeck/react-native-doordeck-sdk --save

  2. Link react-native files

    $ react-native link @doordeck/react-native-doordeck-sdk

Mostly automatic installation

Coming soon - see manual install for now

Manual installation


  1. Open your .xcworkspace file in your /ios folder. If you do not have a .xcworkspace, open the .xcodeproj file.

  2. In XCode, remove the library with the name RNDoordeck (Check under Libraries and Recovered References). This library is auto added by React Native link but won't work due to Pod dependencies.

  3. Let's add the library manually now. In the project navigator, right click [your project's name folder]Add Files to [your project's name].

  4. Go to one folder up and navigate to node_modules/@doordeck/react-native-doordeck-sdk/ios and add folder doordeck-sdk.

  5. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Set your Swift Language Version to Swift 5 in your project's Build SettingsSwift Language Version.

  6. Add pod dependencies: Navigate in a terminal to your [your react native project's folder]/ios. If there isn't a podfile you need to set it up by running $ pod init. Edit the podfile and add the following lines under # Pods for [your project's name]:

     platform :ios, "10.0"
     pod "QRCodeReader.swift", "~> 10.0"
     pod "ReachabilitySwift", "~> 5.0.0"
     pod "Alamofire", "~> 4.8"
     pod "Cache", "~> 5.2"
     pod "Sodium", "~> 0.8"

    In terminal run $ pod install

  7. Add permissions: Add the following to your project plist.

     “Privacy - Camera Usage Description” -> “NSCameraUsageDescription”
     “Privacy - NFC Scan Usage Description” -> “NFCReaderUsageDescription”
     “Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description” -> “NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription”

    To use NFC, turn it on in your project target settings CapablitiesNear Field Communication Tag Reading

  8. To run your project, open the .xcworkspace file (not the .xcodeproj file) in your /ios folder and press run (Cmd+R).


  1. Edit your app gradle file:

     minSdkVersion 21
     android {
     	packagingOptions {
     repositories {
     	maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
  2. Add following to your gradle.properties

  3. To run your app, type $ react-native run-android


import doordeckSdk from '@doordeck/react-native-doordeck-sdk';

// Initialise the SDK with your AuthToken

// Show unlock screen (NFC/QR reader)